and um… The last one eludes me Ha! I’m stupid

Anyone else like the Idea of
half Solids, with Laser engravings
half Splash that’s blank?

I love that idea, my drop bear is like that :smiley: Plus it really goes with your company name

I Never thought of it like that!
Welp, Guess we have to make that our thing now eh?

Not a fan of a yoyo that was half splash anodized and then half solid. I’m sure most people would agree that it doesn’t look nice sitting.

Hmmm. Maybe the Team editions could be like that.

And That was one Gripe I had with my Aman KLR.
It was half blasted Half not, and it STILL annoys me. But it is so gorgeous still

I agree with Joey, half solid half splash wouldn’t look appealing while sitting. But it would be cool to have that for the team members? As kind of like a signature, no other yoyos produced by you guys would be half and half except the team players throws. I don’t know, just a thought.

As in the Signature Models to have that Half and Half Scheme?

Yeah, it would be a cool way to identify if its a normal released throw or if its a team players throw. I don’t know, just an idea.

Thats Not a bad idea!

I was thinking perhaps our yoyos could be Black on one side and colored on the other.
and Engravings can distinguish between Signatures and stand alones

Got my lunar wind today! It’s AMAZING, and has a different unique feel to it. I bet the final product will be even better! A must buy here!

Heck Yeah it will be!
We will be refining it up for sure.
And let’s see where that brings us!:slight_smile:

Ahh, i might have to get the final product too :smiley: ahh money, money… Ill probably have enough by the end of summer

You guys should try doing a kickstarter.

What do you mean?

Kickstarter program. People pledge/donate a certain amount and then they get a product in return.

So say you someone donates $80. Then they get a Lunarwind when they are all done being nade. So it’s like pre paying almost so you have the money to get going. Just check out

I wish you where going to the national yoyo contest. ):

Here is the revision!
We added a little aesthetic to the cup design
Boosted the weight up a little bit, and got rid of the small lip on the rim.
More comfort, a little less feather, and a lot more power :slight_smile:
(Well… Hopefully xD)

The cup looks sweet now ;D How much you boosting the weight by? I thought it was good, kept it nimble and fast, idk if the extra weight would slow it down a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice looking YoYo! Every time I see a new YoYo, my mom gets mad at me! :stuck_out_tongue: