Nylon Axle

i was out on a stroll in a hardware store looking for threaded inserts and axles, and i found a nylon nut, i got it in M4x10mm, so i cut the head and it worked fine as an axle, it’s a lot more lightweight than a stainless steel or titanium axle and i got it for mere cents(Rp 1.500/15¥)

the head wasn’t precisely cut out either, i just used a nipper


Any Vibe? Might be a good solution for some throws

Neat idea, I’d be worried about the axle snapping off and getting stuck in the yo-yo threads.


all my yoyos got a pre-build vibes so i can’t give you an answer about this matter

that would be a problem, just don’t over tighten them, you can’t really feel when it’s snug or not like you could with a metal axle, i already snapped one of them, fortunately it snapped right in the middle

My primary concern would be the nylon shearing on a breakaway, sending both halves flying into the floor (or worse).


im not convinced that the weight savings are meaningful enough for the risk that you introduce. i’d be sweating bullets everytime i throw it lol.


it’s not like it would just snap randomly, nylon’s pretty elastic, you’ll notice when it’s about to break anyway

I don’t personally have confidence that a nylon axle would provide a noticeable warning before snapping (or or stripping) during play. YMMV.


yeah that’s just my theory, in reality the axle would strip before it has the chance to snap, just happened rn

failure mode aside, it did happen randomly right?

I’m curious if it did start stretching and giving a bit before breaking

you’ll feel the yoyo getting kinda loose when you catch it, it didn’t happen randomly, it’s caused by the torque created from catching it

i don’t have a “true” fixed axle yoyo, but i got a nylon transaxle that i glue into a yoyo, the transaxle doesn’t spin at all so it might count as a fixed axle. it’s as smooth as a metal axle but the string and the transaxle would sometime bonds into one another, and need to be thrown hard to unbond it, i’m not sure if it’s from the plastic cement i used to glue it down or from the heat though, it still happen even now

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Interesting, probably from heat, I’ve melted through some strings before on a fixie.

Nylon has a much lower melting point than polyester. I like to put adhesive wood veneer around my nylon transaxles. $5 for 3 sheets of veneer from the craft Shop will do several hundred yoyos