(NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE) What investments do you guys make?

You may have worked there, but doesn’t sound like you’re a trader at all.
Stock market and trading are calculated risks, it takes time to learn.
Covid was fantastic for penny stocks and the market in general and Ai is 100% prevalent in trading. :sunglasses:


buy the dip then ride it to the moon

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Your retail trading personal brokerage account won’t beat the rigged system against institutional traders. Best you can do is maybe make a decent retirement for later in life or turn some windfalls outside of trading into something decent to live off of. There is no easy money button. No magic pill. Any big wins IE high risk can be loses just as easily.

As for AI. It’s not good act predicting volatility. It’s actually really really bad at dealing with things like the former president denouncing a company on live TV or people getting mad about an add and boycotting a product or a disease causing a global shutdown. Lots of other examples. People aren’t any better most are winging it.

Time in the market > timing the market

My 401k is vested in 4 securities baskets, with an average moderate risk, I have a HYSA where I keep my emergency fund/house down payment, a couple small ports to play around with options, and a bit of crypto for diversification.

The best financial advice in the world: minimize consumer debt.


I seek no profits that I have not earned myself. I find the entire market and “industry” around it to be repulsive as it has made it mandatory to gamble with your life savings to make it. With all offense due, buying real estate simply to make rentals makes you about 2 legs away from being a virus.


Yoyo trading was hittin hard for a while but then the market crashed.


Technically my vinyl collection and video game collections are worth magnitudes more than I paid for them, but I am not the type of guy who likes to sell things.

If I were ever in dire need I could sell my various collectibles and music gear, but I would rather keep them.

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Totally not true.

I used to work for O’Connor ans associates in Chicago in the mid-80’s. We literally created the derivatives market through the invention of option synthetics. We laughed about the “hedge-fund” market that would be created by the 50% of the conversion that would not be profitable. We cringed when we thought of what would happen when the New York primary-dealers with a lower basis than everyone in the market; learned about conversions.

Fast-forward 35 years and we live in a world where every conceivable security is “hedged” with hedges from Goldman Sachs and similar scoundrels that do not work when needed - and the financial economy is 17 times the size of the real economy.

Who would have thought?

I have a few draupnirs?

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So I take it you are regretful about your hand in creating the financial hellscape you have wrought?

I’m not good with math, economics, etc., and even then don’t like to deal with the stock market. I get lucky on hobbies and stuff I buy appreciating but also just keep tangible items as investments too. Nothing wrong with the stocks, I just can’t wrap my head around them and am simply not interested.

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Do you want to really make money faster than wall street? Try holding them up by their ankles until all their money falls out of their pockets. They can’t even bundle mortages into secure securities and it’s right in the name. You think they can beat GRAVITY? MF gonna get his pockets turned inside out


Stocks will deliver some of the best long term returns historically.

Historically, the best investment is rare gold coins. But you need to do your homework.


Just use vanguard index funds, in tax advantaged accounts. Just put money in, and forget about it until it’s time to take it out. Investing is made to seem complicated so that people end up paying brokers, and firms.

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Yeah at some point I’ll have to look into it. Right now I have 1 or 2 hobbies I care about but otherwise I hold onto my money. But I also understand money just sitting in the bank is losing value via inflation.

Vanguard deff works well for me. I started late, not as late as others and i didn’t put enough in on the beginning so I’m catching up but after 20 years i have a retirement budget to work with and i have another 20 years hopefully to build it.


Invest in A&A Strings and you too can earn 1/75th of what your hourly rate would be for freelance work in your actual profession!! Only kind of kidding but it’s for everyone who enjoys them and community so money isn’t the motivation whatsoever :slightly_smiling_face:


There are very few who can quit there day job and do yoyo only. Those that do aren’t striking rich or anything. We appreciate you. Or at least I appreciate you both. It’s probs my why so many eventually burn out or move on from making cool stuff at some point.


Cash out on your investment! Sell me one :sweat_smile:

Best investment I’ve ever made was doing an online survey for Bitcoin back in the day. I only forgot what email account I created to do the survey.

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Mkt is ripe for a pullback too.