Nose Grind

Anyone out there doing nose grinds? I like watching grinds and plan on learning them, and when I have enough control I want to do that. Maybe a fingertip grind with a little hop to the tip of the nose. Head back, watch your teeth! Anyway, just curious if anyone is doing that…


I’d be impressed! I think it would hurt a lot more than you think landing a metal yoyo on your face.

I saw a guy on YouTube do it… I think his name was Eric R or something like that on YouTube. Type in yoyo grinds, Eric and you might find it??? Not sure

I was under the impression it was like a fingerspin but on your nose, which would be really hard. The trick eric does isn’t what I thought this was about, but nonetheless still a nose grind.

My nose is too small for a top-on fingerspin-type grind.

Nose grind to tongue grind. I’m on it.

My friend did a tongue grind a couple years back.

Literally just sounds gross…

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He brushed his teeth, so it’s pretty fresh.
Imagine the tongue grind that Gene Simmons from Kiss could do ??

It’s at 3:40