Nooblet Questions

by no means am i buying the yoyo’s for simply one trick! haha i just love yoyos in general! ;D ;D ;D i want to learn basic tricks that have fundamentals build into them ,such as string tension tricks and hand starting a yoyo. can anyone give me pointers on doing sidewinders and handstarting? im having a very difficult time. i feel like im missing something simple… i attempted to learn split the atom earlier today. ALOT harder than it looks. another question, any tips for making you tricks and swings look fluent and fast? i appreciate all the help from you guys more than you know!

o yea a pair of needle nose pliers got to crush 2 bhuddas out of my shutter,one reason why i sold it,and it does take vibe down to a minimum at times. And i def agree on the OD seats,G2 is good for loose seats as well,and you can aim for other companies that get OD to manufacturer for them.

To refer to the question at hand,MYY are fun but alil dificult to mod,they are not modder friendly,one way i make my throws responsive,is the old school yomega clutch system double wrap around the bearing,works like 80% of the time. when placing the loop around your yoyo, dont let go of the loop, literally twist the yoyo and then vertically flip the yoyo and then let go of the loop. you will have wrapped the bearing twice,and it usually will make it responsive,but BEWARE,when i say responsive i mean responsive,stay clear of unresponsive tricks,you will have a true knuckle duster on your hands.
hope it helps if you seem fit to give it a try.

thanks! ill try it out! and tips on hand starting a yoyo? ive been trying for about an hour and am tired lol i practice about 1-2 hours every day. if only i put forth that much effort to workout ::slight_smile: