So I have been throwing for about 2 months now. I thought it would be fun to make a little video.
Forgive the atrocious quality. It was filmed with the webcam on my mac and edited in iMovie. I am worse at video editing than I am yoyoing, and that is truly saying something. lol.
Really impressive for two months, maaaaaan!
Waaaay better than my 2 month yoyo video. That ish was just embarrassing. :
Can’t wait to see you progress, fer sure. ;D
Dang! 2 months your better than me at that geez that’s scary good at the rate your learning!
your AMAZING for only 2 months, bravo!
Hey you’re doing GREAT for two months.
Dayum. Now I’m not so sure about posting my measly six-month vid… :-\
Great stuff, man!
You’ve got some skills! I still cant do boing-e-boing after a little more than 6is months. Keep it up!
Dayum! I’m also 2 months in, and I’m not nearly that good. I’m proud of my relatively smooth Matrix and fairly consistent boingy-boing. That’s about all the game I’ve got.
Keep it up!
That’s some amazing stuff for two months! Look out, WYYC 2013!
That is incredible!!!
How’d you learn so fast? :o
I graduated college this year. After college I had an internship for a month or so and then I was no longer needed. Once my internship ended I decided I wanted to take some time off before I found a proper job. So I have been doing nothing but hobbies and such for the past 4 or 5 months. This allows me to throw as much as I like. ;D
Once I bite the bullet and get a real job my yoyo progress will slow down dramatically. lol.
Wow, now i maybe to consider posting a videos of my playing yoyo after two and a half months , still sucks but at least show some promising . I could have learn at fast at you but i got stuck in school
2 months??? ARE YOU JOKING! ive been yoyoing for 5 months and your way better then me!