Non-Video Gingie Reviews & Tierlist

I appreciate that. I just think we’re not quite on the same page when it comes to value, which is fine.

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Prediction : Mono Pheasant “S - tier”.

Disagree with the power rating but to be fair when you pair slippy pads + short string it fails, even with longer string and slippy pads its not great. Fix that up and its v solid on power.


next one

SF Yoyos | Ti Cadence | A-Tier

Diameter - 55mm
Width - 46.5mm
Weight - 64.5g
Materials - Grade 5 Titanium

Comp-oriented but it doesn’t necessarily feel like it. Super pleasant. A little odd to control, but similar to the Equanimity in that once you get control it’s great. Different playfeel than the Equanimity tho. Light feeling, nice. UNREAL value for a Ti. Idk how to assess the value of this lol.

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Difficult
Stability: Average

Value: Average(?) (Insane for Ti)
Bind: Inconsistent (Pads needed to be swapped)
Sturdiness: Metal Baseball


Curious your thoughts on the baryon if you ever get around to it. Been debating on getting one of those instead of replacing my goodlife valley I stripped unfortunately.

I’m curious your thoughts on the miracle when you get around to it. Material choice is different and they seem to get posted super discounted on bst.

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Why is Klondike in s and c Tier?

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you’re getting it confused with the kodiak i think

Its not. You’re mixing up Klondike and Kodiak

@digitalcharlie trust me I wanna try the Miracle. God that yoyo looks awesome.


My bad been a long day haha


Turning Point | Palp ES | B-Tier

Diameter - 55.92mm
Width - 42.39mm
Weight - 66.7g
Materials - 6061 Alu w/ SS

The best tech yoyo on the market rn. Not great for much else. Not great for zontals, not great for speed, not great for zoning. Extremely wide gap so super slippy. Pure tech yoyoers rejoice. It has power but the weight distro doesn’t really lend it well to where power tends to come in clutch for things like zontals and zoning. 180 bones for 6061 + SS is brutal. Fun to use though, so overall a pleasant yoyo. 12mm Axle is rad as well.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Slow
Controllability: Direct Control
Stability: Gentleness Advised

Value: Terrible
Bind: Basically Padless
Sturdiness: Play Hard


will you ever do the YYR Nir

No, probs not

Turning Point | Colony | B-Tier

Diameter - 56.03mm
Width - 42.95mm
Weight - 66.3
Materials - 6061 Alu + SS

$250 for 6061 + SS bimetal LMAO. It’s nice, feels comfy, and has extremely good control. Weird effect where it felt really pleasant and maneuverable for normal play, but reluctant during zontals. Very much a tech yoyo tho. 15mm axle is insane though.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Direct Control
Stability: Average

Value: :skull_and_crossbones: TERRIBLE :skull_and_crossbones:
Bind: Slippy
Sturdiness: Play Hard


> best tech yoyo on the market
> b tier



Yeah unfortunately whenever I couldn’t do zontals I just didn’t think it deserved anything higher

Yoyorecreation | Bae | A-Tier

Diameter - 55.50mm
Width - 45mm
Weight - 65g
Materials - 7075(?) Alu + SS

Flatout generalist bimetal that can be described in one word. “Good”. Good at everything. Benchmark Bimetal I think for anyone that wants a yoyo that’s just flat-out good. Could be higher if it really stuck out or was particularly good in any category. A bit much for a benchmark though.

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Average
Stability: Built Different

Value: Terrible
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Play Hard


spoken like a true JP judge

hoping for YYR Monotone

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The correct specs is 54.5mm in diameter and 66 gram in weight. Some of the specs is just copy and paste from older version on yyr site. Yoyonest and spingear have it accurately


Several sources have it at 55mm dia, some have it at 55.5mm dia, its specs are just kinda odd wherever I look.

@merlewu I’ve played monotone, but I forgot to write down my thoughts on it. I don’t remember it being particularly great.

Yoyorecreation | Toru 0.999 | A-tier

Diameter - 54.5mm
Width - 45mm
Weight - 65g
Materials - Plastic + 7075(?) Alu + SS

TP has the ASTer and MSG, YYR has the Bae and Toru 0.999. They’re really really similar yoyos. A little more maneuverable and “hollow” feeling than the Bae. A hair less generalized. More snaggy than the Bae tho.

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Average
Stability: Built Different

Value: Terrible
Bind: Tight
Sturdiness: Play Hard


pls review the 7075 pragma if you have one