Non-Video Gingie Reviews & Tierlist

From that perspective, the rating makes total sense.

While $62 may not be budget pricing, I feel like $45-65 is in that fair value range. So that being said, I’ll respectfully disagree with you. :slight_smile:

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Changing topic. In what way do you think it can be changed to be more controllable? As in, does it feel like it has too much momentum, or it doesn’t like to be pushed

I’d also like to point out that just because something gets labeled ‘bad value’ doesn’t necessarily mean its bad or anything lol. Some of my personal favorite yoyos are awful value like the Syfo. Doesn’t matter where its made, who made it, or who anodized it, $130 (up to $180(?)) for a monometal is insane for 2023.

I actually checked back on where I rated SYFO’s value and I 1000% didn’t assess its value right lol.

@Winter.Wolf Not sure exactly, like I said in the review I didn’t get tons of time with it so it could’ve just been that I didn’t adjust for just… different yoyos. Based on memory tho it was just an odd pacing thing tho. If I get to try it again I’ll update on my thoughts :slight_smile:


I get that, and I agree.

I also appreciate your taking the time to evaluate these yo-yos.

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I think this is an all too common “con” to a yoyo. Lots of great yoyos have horrible value. Lots of bad yoyos have great value.

Hydrangea Laurus moved to A-tier, Turning Point BGM moved to S-tier, Kamuraiju moved to B-tier*

OK, I’m gonna need to disagree once more. :wink: If a crap yoyo is cheap, it’s still not a good value! It’s gotta be a good playing yoyo at a good price.


:fire:Yoyofactory | Edge 2022 | S-Tier :fire:

Diameter - 55.08mm
Width - 48.55mm
Weight - 64.7g
Materials - 7075 Alu w/ SS

Not a super rim-weighted feeling, but extremely performant yoyo. Lighter and more nimble than the OG Edge, def an upgrade. Good enough to bump the OG Edge down as this gets placed. 7075 at a highly competitive price with insane performance. Hopefully, they run this as a no-name sig because it’s a tragedy a yoyo this good needs to be attached to controversy. Binds a little slippy but overall really good. Could be SS-tier if it just had a bit more appeal.

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Average
Stability: Solid

Value: Good
Bind: Some Slip
Sturdiness: Play Hard

OG Edge moved to A-tier*


It’s such a detailed tier list!! Ty for reviewing so many yo-yos!


:fire: CLYW | Klondike | S-Tier :fire:

Diameter - 55.06mm
Width - 45.1mm
Weight - 65g
Materials - 6061 Alu w/ SS

Performance beast, some rounding out here and there on the profile with a weight tweak could bump it up to SS-Tier. Kinda boxy feeling. As is its super powerful, has nice control and pacing, as well as super stable. Bit less kick than something like the Grasshopper GTX 2.0, but still way powerful. Binds are surprisingly slippy. That rimweighted sensation is present and forward.

Play: Competitive

Power: Horse Kick
Speed: Average
Controllability: Average
Stability: Built Different

Value: Average
Bind: Some Slip
Sturdiness: Average


i live off of yoyo review content thank you for your service :saluting_face:

also i’d love to see a kapital or dopamine review since theyre incredible imo


I own neither of those, unfortunately.

Onto the next review

G-Squared Yoyos | Ti Banshee | B-Tier

Diameter - 55.96mm
Width - 43.05mm
Weight - 65.75g
Materials - Titanium (Unknown what Grade)

Kinda basic-playing comp-oriented yoyo, even for me. It’s powerful, fast, and good, but the rimweighted sensation is forward. Good value for a Ti, but Ti is arguably always bad in regard to cost-to-performance so I’ll just say its average. Sparks are fun. First G2 I’ve tried and it’s def solid. Better first impression than the Shade did for JT. (Though I am trying a Jugemu soon)

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Average
Stability: Solid

Value: Average
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Metal Baseball


You should do one for the minitee. It’s such a silly yo but it also seems amazing. Either that or the Mowl M+. I am curious about what you would think of it.

Also btw you’ll probably like the Jugemu. Value is terrible but the yoyo itself is very pleasant and balanced.

Hoping for either JT Mirage or C3 Alt Bastet!

anima when

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Hmmm this just makes me want a grasshopper GTX 2.0…also where does that rank for you?

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At the risk of sounding argumentative, how is a $124-134 6061/SS throw an average value when $60 6061 monometals are poor. I’m just trying to understand your rationale.


Simple Answer: Performance Diff. If we wanna discuss it further I think a separate thread would be more appropriate. I think you’re focusing too much on the “value” category lol. A yoyo can be the best yoyo ever made and still have horrendous value.

Onto the next review, which is, ironically, the Grasshopper GTX 2.0 lol @GTDropKnot (I have a huge backlog please don’t stop bumping)

:fire: Duncan | Grasshopper GTX 2.0 | S-Tier :fire:

Diameter - 55.95mm
Width - 43.77mm
Weight - 65.2g
Materials - 6061 Alu + SS

The value of this yoyo is insane. Probably one of the most powerful yoyos I’ve played with ever, outclasses the Klondike, Nucleon, and even some YYR yoyos in regards to power, and each of those are very powerful yoyos in their own right. Kicks like an absolute horse, has gridiron stability, and its a zontals monster. Slow player and kinda of heavy feeling. Binds are average. Avoid if you dislike that rimweighted sluggishness sensation.

Play: Competitive

Power: Horse Kick
Speed: Slow
Controllability: Easy
Stability: Built Different

Value: Insane
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Play Hard


Thanks for your reply and thanks for your time spent with these reviews. I agree that this line of discussion would be better left to another post.


Don’t get me wrong I’m all up for discussing my placements, but I don’t wanna clog the thread with discussion of value :skull:

I wanted an Anima, but it’s a lot of money @p44company maybe in the future
@merlewu I wanna try a Mirage and Alt Bastet as well but they’re both outside of my price range atm (especially after the jugemu purchase)
@Benthrowsyoyo I’d need convincing for both of those, lol. Not super interested in either.

To the review

Turning Point | Acanthus S | C-Tier

Diameter - 53.98mm
Width - 46.15mm
Weight - 66.5g
Materials - 6061 Alu + SS

From the definition of insane value to an easy example of the worst… Yikes. Not a very powerful yoyo at all. Feels like a monometal. There’s 66.5g of yoyo but idk where it is. Super maneuverable, smooth, and clean. Extremely slippy on a short string and generally unfun to play with a short string. Most enjoyed with a long string that slows down your pacing. Honestly, it’s an oldhead yoyo disguising as a bimetal. Saved by its controllability and overall pleasant feeling on the string.

Play: Oldhead

Power: Soft
Speed: Slow
Controllability: Direct Control
Stability: Needs Babying

Value: Terrible
Bind: Basically Padless
Sturdiness: Average