Non-Video Gingie Reviews & Tierlist

Thanks to you it seems like 25% of yoyos have a hybrid variant


Enso Yoyos | Equanimity | A-tier

Diameter - 54mm
Width - 47.5mm
Weight - 65.1g
Materials - 7068 Aluminum

Equanimity is odd. Every time you pick it up to play with there’s a temporary adjustment period, then ur seshing with a great yoyo. I think it has to do with the presence and speed. For some reason, the yoyo feels like it’s moving faster than it is, which is odd. Otherwise it’s a good yoyo. The power helps counteract some of the stability of the rounded profile. Could be more durable with a longer axle.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Slow
Controllability: Difficult
Stability: Average

Value: Average
Bind: Tight
Sturdiness: Average


fantastic yoyo


I prefer heavy throws. 65 to 70 is great the one throw i say is realy fun and still spins long but not as long as my aster or gtr. Is the orbital gtx such a great light but spin time isnt bad


CLYW | Canvas | C-tier

Diameter - 54.59mm
Width - 41.29mm
Weight - 66.1g
Materials - Aluminum (Likely 6061)

Finally got the chance to try one of these at the first Utah Yoyo Club I attended. It was… neat. Historical yoyos like these are fun to judge under a modern eye. To be frank, it’s outdated. It’s way narrow. It’s way expensive, and is just way hard to find. But… it was fun! I can see why so many people want one. A bit slow, not necessarily rim-weighted feeling or particularly heavy, just slow. Zontals a no-go, speed combos were funny to do on it. Really good control and flow though. I imagine binds would’ve been better on fresh pads with a string that wasn’t thin, so for that sake I’d guess they were just average?

Play: Oldhead

Power: Soft
Speed: Slow
Controllability: Direct Control
Stability: Gentleness Advised

Value: Terrible
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Average


how about the duncan haymaker x?

Your reviews are insightful and thorough compared to the yoyo youtubers that claim they do “honest non-biased reviews”. Most are sponsored/get free yoyos from companies. They hardly describe how the yoyo plays and you can always expect “It’s awesome, go buy it now!” Those videos are really only good for seeing the yoyo up close better.


OneDrop | Kuntosh (OG) | A-tier

Diameter - 55.9mm
Width - 45.71mm
Weight - 66.4
Materials - 6061 Aluminum

SUPER glad I got to try this yoyo! THIS IS WHAT WE NEED MORE OF FROM ONEDROP. This yoyo was powerful, fast, fun, and felt absolutely great on the string. Definitely could tell its age a little bit, and it needed just a pinch more rimweight, but this is a great yoyo. Controllability felt a tiny bit off but maybe a bit more time with the yoyo could have made me see it differently. Wish it was accessible in 2023.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Difficult
Stability: Solid

Value: Bad
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Play Hard


And a killer colorway :hugs:

OneDrop | Wyvern | A-Tier

Diameter- 55.88mm
Width - 46mm
Weight - 66.6g
Materials - 6061 Aluminum

SE-less Kuntosh. A really surprising level of performance from this. I think it needs a weight distro tweak still. The fact that it lacks SEs is kinda a bummer as well. Oh well. Still played good.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Difficult
Stability: Solid

Value: Bad
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Play Hard


I really like mine, quite a bit. My only question is why is 62 bucks a bad value for a One Drop? I would call it average or better.

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$62 for a 6061 monometal is not good value.

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No, but it’s very average. Bad would be the 6061 monometals that are $100+ Imho.

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What is expected price of a 6061 mono then.

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$62 isn’t cheap, but for a boutique yoyo. . .

Markmont FRS Project 2 is $120.

CLYW 6061 monometals retail for ~$90. Sasquatch ’22 is $120.

I guess one could say that those are just even worse values. Compared to what you can get for $30 or even $15 that might be true, depending on what is valued.

It’s the cheapest most OD’s would sell for, I believe the lowest for an A grade was the SK and it was 44$

I’d say average value for 6061 is around 50$. When OD did the SK for 45$ that was a good value.

I think the bad rating for value is a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s still not great.


They must have raise the price since, US made yo-yos are a tad pricier than most yo-yos manufactured overseas, od changed their prices drastically as 80-100$ mono metals are now going for 60-70, for the yo-yo market now there are a lot of yo-yos that play well and for a cheaper price, but It’s the closest we would get for a US made yo-yo, when they sold their dead stock Vtwo’s (a yo-yo that retails for 100$) for $66 I was baffled to how low it was, sad I didn’t buy one

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It isn’t though. At all. Especially given it doesn’t have SEs. $60 for a 6061 is a bad value.

I’d place the Average for 6061 specifically at $45.

As for @hsb’s response

All of these being bad/terrible values doesn’t change anything, lol. For what its worth I’d label most CLYW monos as bad value, especially the Sasquatch or Markmont Project 2 as having terrible value.

Also, OneDrop isn’t a boutique, they’re an OEM. They literally make their own yoyos. They’ve even produced other large companies’ yoyos as well.

And I’m not really sure where the argument that this is good value comes from for OneDrop specifically. They’ve had prices swing as low as $45 with stuff like the Intro…

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I hope in the future that they might lower the kuntosh/qv’s from 80-85 to 66, even it’s not much of a difference, its still appreciated, you have to admit we’re lucky that they don’t charge 6061 mono metals for 100+ like the cascade anymore lmao, too rich for my blood