Non-Video Gingie Reviews & Tierlist

its included on your yyr mystery box video, dunno if you still have it for a possible review.

edit: I’ll take a look on your JP video first since I’ve never seen it yet.

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Might as well do it

Yoyorecreation | Valkyrie (New Version) | C-Tier

Diameter - 55.5mm
Width - 43.5mm
Weight - 67g
Materials - Alu (potentially 6061 or 7075) + SS Rings

Yea, it’s just okay. It’s a bimetal that weighs 67 grams and has massive steel rings. All the weight and the steel rims make it anti-speed play. Absolute powerhouse but it’s excessive lol. I’d rather have a Nucleon or something. When I owned it it felt like a lamer Hinemosu.

Play: Competitive

Power: Horse Kick
Speed: Sluggish
Controllability: Average
Stability: Built Different

Value: Bad (regardless of 6061 or 7075)
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Average



(Granted this is just imo- i think it occupies a solid A-B tier. The value part i agree with however)

AGREED this yoyo is underwhelming!


can confirm its made in 6061 alloy, I will also do an in-depth review by end of june for my new valkyrie since I’ve been playing with it for 2 weeks now. I appreciate your quick review for this!
source: spinkult

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I will agree, its C tier but in the upper ranges of it. It’s a power house of a yoyo but that reluctance is a major annoyance.

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What makes yoyos like the Collapsar and MSG a cut above this one?

Edit: and how are you gauging “sturdiness” if you aren’t hitting everything with a baseball bat?


Not gingie but I’ve thrown all of these and can throw my opinion in the mix, Collapsar and MSG both definitely play heavy like the valkyrie, but I find that the valkyrie is the least nimble out of all of them. I personally found the collapsar the most enjoyable, but the MSG isn’t far behind. The main problem is that the valkyrie just plays like a rock lol for lack of a better term


Angry is how i would best describe it. It plays angry

Woah that’s kind of wild to hear that bc collapsar is 10g heavier…I get that feel of the weight is relative to distro and I’m guessing the valk is pushed to that max bc y’all saying it plays so heavy / angry lol . But is the collapsar just really well balanced? Dang I want one now hah


don’t get me wrong, the collapsar is definitely heavy, but you can push it to be fast with a lot of effort. The valkyrie just fights you at every step of the way though.

Here’s the speed combo Jason Liu Zichen (person who the collapsar is a signature yoyo for) did with it:

And then here’s one of my favorite freestyles with the collapsar:

The yoyo can definitely move! Valkyrie on the other hand… flies into the ground.


Yo this leonid freestyle is so so good had to watch it twice I freaking love all the suicides and whips. I’m also a hades fanboy so I think imma have to get an collapsar eventually. I know what you mean about the weight being able to move with intention like these players are definitely making it move. Ooo stoked to play Yoyo later. Thanks for sharing these vids and your knowledge


Same I love the freestyle, the sweat on his back shows his dedication lol


New valkyrie is indeed a heavy boi, but for a 67 gram yoyo I’m getting used to it after a few days. Just slap a stretched XL type string and you can go fast with it without feeling sluggish. I’ll save the rest of the details for my next months in-depth review on this since there’s a lot to tackle on this yoyo and currently I’m having a good time playing with it.

  1. The big one with the Collapsar specifically is that it’s actually really maneuverable as well as being extremely powerful, which makes it more pleasant and less mid. MSG was in the same boat, less of a speedy player but still more maneuverable.

  2. Axle length, materials, and build. Shutter Evo and Draupnir both have build issues with their rim fitment, so they have below average build. Draupnir also has the problem of having a tiny little axle, so it’s made even worse, thus having a worse build.

you mean this one is even more powerful than nucleon?


Time for a new review!

Yoyofactory | Essence | A-tier

Diameter - 56.53mm
Width - 45.25mm
Weight - 66.08g
Materials - 6061 Aluminum

The Essence is a super robust and well-performing yoyo. It’s kinda like a YYF-ified St. Elmo. It can handle zontals and speed better than the Elmo tho. Not as quick moving as the JDS Shutter, but comparable power and stability. Yes, it’s an alu Metavity. Weirdly chalky finish on the blue one though (could be because mine’s a B-grade). Super slippy binds tho, even with generally snappy pads. Some spec and weight distro tweaks could send this into S or even SS-Tier very easily.

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Easy
Stability: Solid

Value: Average
Bind: Basically Padless
Sturdiness: Average

Moved Shortcut to S-tier, added Ensoyoyos Equanimity, YJYoyo Chimera (unknown version), and Yotricks Civility v3 to A-tier, added Rebellion Gazer to B-tier, added Rebellion Acro and Butcher to C-tier*


would love to see a monarch ss.

Possibly in the future! I have a new idea for hybrid I haven’t seen but gonna wait a bit. Monarch rly caused a flood in the hybrid market lmao


You should be proud dude. You crushed it with that design.