Non-Video Gingie Reviews & Tierlist

this is how jds rockstar feels for me, these two are siblings

I can see the manatee being b tier despite my love for it it definitely could use some tweaking I’d say

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I like gingie reviews but I always take them with a grain of salt. My preference is very different and many of the c/b tier are in my favorites.


Could you highlight the differences between this and the DD Emotion?

Specific questions:

  1. Are the Emotion’s rims any less sharp?
  2. Is the response bump on the Graviton: Y rounded, or does the string sort of “click” or catch on it (if that makes sense)?

Any input is appreciated.


At first throw, gravitony resembles the emotion. After the first few minutes you realise it is a bit nore clunky or heavy. I think heavy is the better word since clunky usually has a negative connotation.

While it has this heavier feeling (I find Emotion particularly agile and light but in a good way) it has the lowest spin time between the 2.

I find the emotion more grabby to the string with tighter binds. Also, if you are fast and clumsy while going speed, emotion is less forgiving and snags more easily. Nothing wrong with that. Remember: It is you! Not the yoyo!

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sOMEThING | Speeder | A-tier

Diameter - 55.55mm
Width - 42.35mm
Weight - 65.1g
Materials - Polycarbonate Body w/ Alu Rims (6061?)

Pleasantly surprised by this guy. Didn’t think it’d be much but it was rad when someone let me try it at a meet.

It plays fast and is powerful though it lacks stability and spin time. It’s really great. Super fun to thrash with. It’s particularly great and good feeling with speed combos, it’s solid for zontals. Binds are NICE with this.

10000% the rims NEED to be fileted more though. This thing is SHARP. A bit of a bigger diameter would also do this yoyo some wonders.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Average
Stability: Gentleness Advised

Value: Bad
Bind: Tight
Sturdiness: Be Gentle

Ti Edge added to S-Tier, Slam Dunk and Space Cowboy added to A-tier, Kayak added to B-tier, SF BD added to C-Tier*


Can I ask what you mean by power, if it’s not spin time? I read your “Categories and Explanations”, but it didn’t really clarify.

I’ve always understood power to be usable spin time (i.e. during play, not just from a sleeper).

Power is how hard the yoyo is spinning. A yoyo can be powerful but not spin for a long time or lack stability because of factors like string rub.

Oh, ok. So it’s about initial rpm rather than effective/playable spin time. Thanks for explaining to someone who’s still relatively new to yoyo.

Thinking about power in those terms actually seems like a lot less practical metric in my eyes: I could see it helping manufacturers more than anyone, as they would then know to look for factors that are preventing their yoyo from maintaining those high rpms that help make it more stable (in conjuction with design elements like weight distribution, of course). I imagine a mechanical arm would have to throw the yoyo for consistant results, though.

Seeing as most good reviewers - like yourself -mention stability as a separate category, is there something else I’m missing about the importance of initial rpm/power? Kickback and/or how hard it comes back to the hand, perhaps?

Not necessarily initial rpms, tho its also not not initial rpms. Some yoyos maintain their high spin power, some don’t.

Let’s say you had three yoyos for the sake of a scenario. Note I’m going with binary assumptions. Real yoyos are on a spectrum and much more nuanced than these;

Yoyo 1
-Comes to the hand hard after a longer combo
-Comes to the hand hard after binding immediately after throwing

Yoyo 2
-Comes to the hand soft after a longer combo
-Comes to the hand hard after binding immediately after throwing

Yoyo 3
-Comes to the hand soft after a longer combo
-Comes to the hand soft after binding immediately after throwing

Yoyo 1 and 2 are still powerful, just one loses that spin power faster. Yoyo 3 wouldn’t be. Admittedly, Yoyo 3 is rare these days, though I have played with Yoyos that have that sort of effect.

You can feel how powerful a yoyo is based on its kickback when you catch it; whether it’s a reset, or just a bind after a combo. Some yoyos have a lot of kickback after a longer combo, and some don’t, but those yoyos that don’t have kickback after a longer combo may be intimidating to bind with immediately after throwing.

Other factors weigh in like how hard you throw, if you prefer to throw more softly, etc. But I’m already typing a wall of text and can’t get into SuBjEcTiViTy


Thanks for the reply, Gingie.

One last question for sake of clarity when interpreting your review: how do you rate power?

Based on your scenario, would it go something like the following?

  • Yoyo 1 - powerful
  • Yoyo 2 - average
  • Yoyo 3 - soft/anemic

Or is yoyo 2 also still powerful because it comes back to the hand hard when binding immediately after throwing? (The former seems like that would be adding a spin time factor back into what “power” is).

I’ll leave you be now. Thanks again.

It wouldn’t go by that list no. Ultimately the way I would rate it would depend on how hard it comes back to the hand :man_shrugging:

I wasn’t really factoring in the different power ratings in that scenario, just if they came back hard or soft.

And no it doesn’t factor in spin time.

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Thanks for educating a noob. Thought I’d been around the forum & watched enough reviews to know the basic terms by now, but I learned something new today.


Bro whats the reason you put yyr rebellion invaders must die on b tier? If you have time can you give detailed review about it because im planning to buy one from a friend. Btw nice review as well it is a good reference when buying a new yoyo also it is nice to know that you put hydrogen crash to s tier cause its my chill throw :sunglasses:

C3Yoyodesigns | Atomic Crash | A-tier

Diameter - 56.95mm
Width - 43.09mm
Weight - 63.5g
Materials - 6061 Alu Body + SS Rims

Another grail of mine, but this one is a more recent grail. I used to think anything with the form factor of the Atomic Crash was generic, boring, etc… even without ever touching it. These days though I’m far more flexible with my yoyo choices and just like that: This yoyo became 10x harder to find in a decent colorway.

Had to trade my beloved Star Trail just to land one.

So how does it play, and how does it play in comparison to its newer counterpart; the Hydrogen Crash?

Well, after A/B’ing this and the Hydrogen Crash, it became much more obvious to me just how far yoyos have come.

In general: the Hydrogen Crash is more consistent and capable. Despite being lighter and a more extreme design, the Hydrogen Crash is more powerful, and controllable, and its width makes it easier to hit tricks on. Hydrogen Crash is also not as uncomfortable on the catch, the rims on the Atomic Crash needed to be filleted. I almost thought the Atomic Crash was anemic because of how it compared to the Hydrogen Crash. It makes sense the modern iteration of a yoyo that’s 6 years old at this point would kinda whip it around so don’t think I’m dragging on this yoyo too hard lol.

On its own; yeah this is great! Crazy fast, a bit uncontrollably so. The power on its own is just fine, and the stability is rad. Even though this yoyo is supposed to be elite for zontals I find it to be weirdly punishing. I love it but its age shows for sure. It made me realize the gap between yoyos from around 2018 and post-pandemic is bigger than I thought.

As such I’m dropping the Flash down to A-tier as well.

Play: Competitive

Power: Average
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Difficult
Stability: Average

Value: Average
Bind: Tight
Sturdiness: Play Hard


Care to tell me which is better between Miracle or GTR-JS? Btw I got rebellion imd already but its weird coz it is anemic and snaggy at the same time so i sold it immediately. Again based on your preference which is better Mir’s or Jonathan’s? Since both are ss tier which one stand above the most

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Personally, I prefer the GTR-JS because it’s more maneuverable and tugs on my fingers a bit less

Miracle is a bit more solid feeling and powerful.

Depends on what you prefer of those qualities I think.

(secret yoyo revealed)


Dune in da $ tier 4real ?? bruh
Why ???

Because it’s good.

Anyway, it’s time for a round of a couple of yoyos I tried at Worlds. List is big.

UNPRLD | Seiji | A-tier

Diameter - 56.3mm
Width - 46mm
Weight - 65.61g
Materials - 7068 Alu Body + SS Rims

Spent a long time being interested in this thing. It’s… definitely good. It’s a bit overshadowed by other yoyos though. Bit forgettable. Powerhouse. Not crazy fast, but not sluggish. Really solid maneuverability.

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Easy
Stability: Solid

Value: Average
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Play Hard

Vote on the next review:

  • (W1ld) Adrenaline
  • (W1ld) Wilderness 7075
  • (W1ld) Dinosaur of the Wild
  • (W1ld) Ancepts
  • (CLYW & Duncan) Peakhand AL
  • (CLYW & Duncan) Peakhand PC
  • (CLYW & Atmos) Canopy AL
  • (CLYW) Swan
  • (CLYW) Chief 7075
  • (JT) Jugemu '24
  • (SUS) Generator FD
  • (SUS) Transmission
  • (C3) Ambition
  • (C3) Super Scintillator
  • (Duncan) Crescendo
  • (Enso) Metatrons Cube
  • (Enso) Bapehidora
  • (Enso) Gear 5
  • (Jigun) Rumbling
0 voters

A couple of yoyos were omitted because I plan on reviewing them when I get more time with them.


Please i beg you restore Hydrogen Crash to its full glory and move it back to SS tier