Non-Video Gingie Reviews & Tierlist

If my list was strictly about performance then the JT Shade, YYR Optima, and Bimetal Shutter would be much higher while the Creep, Aviator, and Stormberry would be much lower.

EDIT: And for the record my ranting about value seems to be misconstrued as if I weigh value heavily. Even though I never said that. I said I’m skeptical and critical of a yoyo the higher the price is.

Some of the highest-tiered yoyos on the list have extremely steep BST prices and high retail prices (Anubis’ and BGM in S-tier). Some are also options that anyone in the hobby can grab (Shortcut and Monopheasant in S-tier, Emotion in SS-tier)


In my opinion the plastic Fulvia is clearly a tier below something like the Iceberg play wise, but they’re in the same tier on your list, so I’m not sure if that’s because we have different preferences or if it’s because of price.

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To my understanding, it’s because one is an a tier polycarb plastic and the other is an a tier steel ringed polycarbonate hybrid.


:star: Yoyofriends | Graviton: Y | SS-Tier :star:

Diameter - 55.33mm
Width - 47mm
Weight - 65.15g
Materials - 7068 Alu

Big one inbound

Saw this get accidentally leaked on Yoyofriends’ Instagram and instantly knew I was gonna cop. The shape, hub, and specs are all about what I’m into. But, I’ve had plenty of yoyos that I was completely not into come out great, and I’ve had plenty of yoyos that I was super excited for come out to be just kinda neat, or in some cases, not great.

In the case of the Graviton: Y, not only did it live up to what I hoped it was gonna be, but it ended up far exceeding my expectations.

The Graviton: Y just feels SO GOOD to use in basically ALL scenarios. The pacing and weight distribution of this yoyo feel similar to the Galaxy Diver’s sensation of rim-weightedness in tandem with its pacing that makes it feel super controlled, and coming in at the right places to bring forward an extremely refined and pleasant playfeel.

The pacing of this yoyo isn’t necessarily fast but how it controls and moves makes it an extremely unrestrictive and pleasant feeling yoyo for speed.

The power of this yoyo is extremely pleasant as well. There are absolutely zero doubts in play relative to how gently and comfortably the Graviton: Y comes back to your hand. The combination of tight controllability, and solid stability makes the Graviton: Y an insanely good yoyo for zoning.

Add in those two factors, as well as the shape, for zontals, Graviton: Y pops off. This yoyo is one of the best monometals I’ve played with for Zontals in a long time.

The shape is the biggest plus for this yoyo. It’s SO comfortable and pleasant in the hand. It just feels good to hold and look at. Yoyofriends nailed it with the Graviton: Y.

My only nitpicks are:

  • the lip of the rim’s outer face and the rim’s profile face could maybe go for a little deeper of a filet. It’s not necessarily sharp, but I’ve noticed it.
  • adding some design element to make the rim bulge this yoyo has a bit more aesthetically pleasing would be nice, but I’m not sure what that could be.

That’s it. This yoyo hits hard. Seriously good yoyo. Easily my favorite yoyo from Yoyofriends yet.

tl;dr: Good yoyo super great

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Direct Control
Stability: Solid

Value: Average
Bind: Tight
Sturdiness: Play Hard



ggs @Mazdarx7FD


That’s ggs to Tony Sung man. Thanks @KirbyRobot


I got the yoyo and agree with your review. Only point i disagree with is value. I mean, average for a yoyo that is that good and is a 7068 at 46 euros/dollars (I got the solid one)… Come on! This is a steal.


We’ve got two of them :slight_smile:


Some of you may not know this thing even exists.

Yoyofactory | OG Replay | A-Tier

Diameter - 56.1mm
Width - 41.57mm
Weight - 64g
Materials - Polycarb Body w/ Metal Rims (unknown material, likely aluminum based on the original $19 pricepoint)

This yoyo is insane and one of my most prized possessions; as well as the lesser-known brother(?) to the Northstar released the same year. Special thanks to Augie for sending this in a care package with some patches :heart:

It scales better for a modern trick set than the Northstar. It just generally outperforms the Northstar. It’s lighter, has a goofier construction, and literally screams when you throw it like a Nine Dragons or Iceberg. I guess the shape and weight distribution lend it to being more stable and powerful than the Northstar. It’s lighter so it’s more maneuverable and capable of speed play. The extra power, the stability, and the very open and clean H-shaped profile make it extremely capable for zontals.

It scales better for modern play than the Northstar, but it’s still limited by its width. Also, the screaming is annoying. Bonus points for looking like an OG-Era Beyblade though. Extremely worried about the fragility of this yoyo though.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Average
Stability: Solid

Value: Good (retail) - Bad (resale, only way of getting it)
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Be Gentle

added G2 Minishee to C-Tier*


I’d interested to see how you rank the Spinworthy Steadfast. I don’t think it would score well (probably C or D tier) but still, I’d be interested to see what you have to say about it.


This yoyo was known to crack easily.


I am too but I’m inclined to think I’d rank it higher actually lol.

I like the shape, specs, and weight distro. If I would infer how I’d place it based on specs I’d assume it plays well for modern play if a little heavy and reluctant and around ~A-tier.

Good to know replay cracked easy lol.


Cool stuff

Onedrop | Downbeat | B-tier

Diameter - 56.77mm
Width - 45.4mm
Weight - 70.1g (w/ Alu Ultralights)
Materials - 6061 Alu

This plays how I wish the Peak 2 played. Plus maybe 3-4 grams. Really fun yoyo. Solidly stable and handily powerful. Ribs are a neat aesthetic choice but it’s not exactly for me. Maybe for her pleasure though. Not a speed yoyo at all. Great control. Fatiguing af because of the weight. The profile makes it meh for zontals. The description of it reads:

“Many yo-yos recently, including ones we make, are focused on competition and speed. This is a noble cause and one we’ll continue to pursue because pushing the limits of performance is important and desired.”

And references how the Downbeat is supposed to not be performant. But it’s certainly still performant. To be honest it outperforms some of the stuff in their modern lineup. The power and stability of the Downbeat really carry this thing. Makes it handily capable. Hoping the upcoming ThruLine hits the mark so I don’t gotta hunt down these oldies.

Code 2 next.

Play: Everyone

Power: Horse Kick
Speed: Slow
Controllability: Easy
Stability: Solid

Value: Bad
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Metal Baseball


man, id LOVE a code 2 review ahaha

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have you ever tried the One Drop Yoyo Code 2 Yoyo?


Nah I’ve never touched a code 2

So anyways a utah yoyoer gifted me a code 2, one of my longest standing grails since I first started yoyoing in 2016.

Onedrop | Code 2 | A-tier

Diameter - 56mm
Width - 43.93mm
Weight - 63.54g (66.7g w/ Alu Spikes)
Materials - 6061 Alu

This yoyo has been a grail of mine since day 1 basically. If you go back to my earliest posts on these forums chances are you’ll find my 13-year-old asking for yoyos that are cheap that are similar to the shape of the Terrarian, Code 2, and Edge. I vividly remember fiending after this yoyo as a kid but never being able to get it because it was way outside my price range.

It took me years to find it, and in the end, it wasn’t being able to afford it, but just pure generosity that I’ll always be thankful for.

Real quick, this yoyo has one of those “you only understand when you get it in person” type things; this thing is deceptively organic. It’s not a Beater or Sphere type of organic, but it’s still rounder than some pics may indicate. Blessed be the subtle curves.

So, how does it play?

Well, I tried it out with alu spikes and alu ultralights so that I can tune it in and get closer to what I enjoy, so I’m gonna split this review into two sections, UL’s and Spikes.

Play: Everyone


The Code 2 with ultralights absolutely ■■■■■■■ shreds. It’s an absolute speed demon with ultralights. It go NYOOOOOM with them ultralights.

It’s slightly uncontrollable though, and ever slightly anemic with ultralights. Stability is fine, but I found the issue with UL’s just took away a bit too much power.

Zontals are just fine.

Power: Soft
Speed: Speed Demon
Controllability: Difficult
Stability: Average


Code 2 with spikes is a bit more reigned in, but it has too much centerweight, and it’s kinda unstable. The pacing isn’t as speed-demon-y but it’s a bit more wonky. Similar controllability because the pacing is kinda wonky. Adds just enough solidness and power that it doesn’t feel as anemic as the UL’s.

Zontals take a major hit because of the stability nerf with spikes.

Power: Average
Speed: Average
Controllability: Difficult
Stability: Gentleness Advised

I think I need to try this yoyo with some SE’s between the weight of Spikes and UL’s. Maybe Legos or Mini Spikes.

Value: Terrible
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Average

MK1Yoyos Path added to A-tier*


I remember really wanting to like the Code 1 better because I thought it looked cooler, but man the Code 2 is amazing.


Recommend flat caps in Code 2


I’m excited for the day Kagerou becomes your bae :heart_eyes:

Real s ■■■■

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Yoyofactory | Sugar | B-Tier

Diameter - 58.0mm
Width - 45.78mm
Weight - 66.2g
Materials - 6061 Alu

The yoyoing yoyo. It yoyos so good, it spins. The spinning yoyo. The yoyo for the yoyoers.

You get the idea. This thing is great; but it does what it does. Easy pickup and play yoyo; the everyman yoyo honestly.

Very powerful. Easy to control. Not crazy fast. Bit forward of a rimweighted sluggishness sensation.

Not quite “average” I would say but it doesn’t quite pop off as hard as some other yoyos. Overall good but uh… Not much else I guess.

Play: Everyone

Power: Powerful
Speed: Slow
Controllability: Easy
Stability: Solid

Value: Average
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Average