Non-Video Gingie Reviews & Tierlist

This gotta be the most foul message sent on the YYE Forums


I feel that the Quail would have been a funny but valid one to name it

“I really wanted to like this more”. Then you give it an S- Tier. What’s up with that?

When I got it I wanted to like it more. You can not like something as much as you wanted to and still rate it well.

I wanted: SS-Tier yoyo
I got: S-tier yoyo

Simple as.


Makes sense yeah!

Yoyofactory | Rockstar 2023 | A-tier

Diameter - 55.97mm
Width - 44.15mm
Weight - 66.9g
Materials - 6061 Aluminum

I wanted to place this in S-tier soooo bad but its one of those yoyos where I can read the vibes and know most people aren’t gonna be as into it as I am. It’s rimweighted with nearly 67g of total weight so I can kinda tell that lots of people are either not gonna be into it or just label it as chronically generic. Which I understand. Oh well. The furthest I’m willing to drop this is A-tier though. This thing shreds. Not necessarily maneuverable or particularly quick, but it feels lighter than the weight suggests. This results in a pacing that feels extremely natural and pleasant. Great for zontals, very powerful, and really stable. The binds are way slippy though. Frustratingly so. The $60 pricetag on splashes is kekw, so I’m rating the value for solids.

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Average
Controllability: Easy
Stability: Solid

Value: Average
Bind: Basically Padless
Sturdiness: Play Hard




Obligatory @Kaylinity cuz she’s been waiting forever

:fire: Japan Technology | Jugemu | S-tier :fire:

Diameter - 56.43mm
Width - 48.66mm
Weight - 66.8g
Materials - Mystery Aluminum (Very likely 7068 :roll_eyes:)

Splitting this into two sections cuz I just have a lot to say about this yoyo. Gonna have to break some rules and the format of these tierlist reviews because of this yoyo.

Thoughts on the mystery aluminum

First things first, the whole “mystery aluminum” gimmick on this is lame and I truly hope JT just comes out with what aluminum this is. I’m inclined to guess 7068 because they were more than willing to disclose the Mirage ESD was 7075, and their mainline stuff is 6061. Who knows though, could realistically be Topyo’s 7003 series aluminum or some other aluminum. Either way, it’s a lame marketing gimmick and I’d personally prefer if stuff like that was just, disclosed. Just a better way to inform the consumer so they know what they’re getting.

The yoyo in play

Placing this yoyo on the tier list was difficult. Let me explain why. It’s a consistently performant yoyo but an inconsistently controllable yoyo in my experience, and I find this is due to its unnatural pacing. It feels heavy, but it plays rather nimble and fast, which can be slightly jarring in play. The weight can lead you to naturally play a bit slower to compensate for the way a heavier yoyo tends to naturally play a bit heavier, but you’ll basically be lagging behind the Jugemu the whole time. If you can’t get in tune with that play feel you’re basically doomed to miss half your tricks.

This initially dragged it down to like, A-tier for me, pushing the boundary and kinda leaning into B-tier almost. It was good, and I could feel it was good, but man it was just a nightmare.

Once (if) you can get in tune with that play-feel though it’s like taking the training weights off. This yoyo is highly performant and genuinely one of the best yoyos to be played with once you get over the hurdle of its odd play-feel. Everything about it just feels like it wants you to go nuts. The fast speed, the stability, and the power make it feel like you can just go absolutely ham. Zontals are a walk in the park. I’ll say though, you gotta adjust for the width for tech or you’ll for sure hit strings you didn’t intend to. Speed combos are weird because of the Jugemu’s odd play-feel. The controllability is kinda like a controllability difficulty curve; once you get over the curve, it’s extremely easy to control.

This is where the Jugemu redeems itself. The way it plays when you lock in with it was easily S-Tier, and even kinda leaning into SS-Tier.

So where do I place something that I find was leaning into B-tier but squarely A-tier at one point, then leaning into SS-tier but squarely in S-tier at another point? I settled on an average of A/S tier, then just swung for S-tier because A-tier just felt slightly wrong for it.

tl;dr: Extremely good once you get over the controllability hurdle

Play: Competitive

Power: Powerful
Speed: Fast
Controllability: (Explained in play breakdown)
Stability: Solid

Value: Bad
Bind: Inconsistent
Sturdiness: Average


no pragma 7075 review sadge

Woahhhhhh. This was a great read :smiley: its so true that like, there’s a break in period for getting used to how it plays. I thought i was just ok for the first week but after really giving it a shot for awhile its now basically my favorite yoyo to throw. So glad you ended up liking it.


I think this yoyo is mostly made for “body type of tricks” all the new arms and neck tricks and eli hops oriented stuff, is very reliable in that sense, tech combos is alright but just need some attention so I agree with all your feelings about the yoyo, I quite enjoyed the heavy feeling of the throw it makes it really powerful and for a monometal it plays super competitive, I found it very good also on slacks, hooks and whips, there is more than enough space to catch the string and the shape really helps.

The price is stupid as hell, my one has a pin ding after literally just touching my vape on the table while I was grabbing it lol, the material doesn’t seems great honestly, the “mysterious alu” thing is lame as hell also considering the price, if for sturdiness you intend how much the yoyo resist to ding it is very bad.


Finally got this down

Yoyofactory | 7075 Pragma | A-tier

Diameter - 56.52mm
Width - 43.83mm
Weight - 65.7g
Materials - 7075 Aluminum Body w/ SS Rings


Performance beast that’s extremely good and fun if swaying a little standard for performance bimetals. Nice, round shape, comfy in the hand. Deceptively fast despite being a bimetal weighing nearly 66 grams. Just kinda good at everything. The hollow rims help with the rim-weighted sensation so it doesn’t feel as gross as it otherwise might. WAY powerful though. Hate the blasted rims, way too sticky.

Play: Competitive

Power: Horse-kick
Speed: Fast
Controllability: Easy
Stability: Built Different

Value: Good
Bind: Some Slip
Sturdiness: Play Hard


he deserved better :broken_heart:

Wish you can try his bi metal predecessor for comparison, specs is almost the same.


hell yes i love this yoyo


I need more gingie reviews in my life lmao

@KirbyRobot what do you think about the Seiji? I was about to write a review because for me is such an underrated beast, probably one of the best yoyo of those years imo

I want one SO BAD. I’ve been wanting one for ages too. I’ll cop one of these eventually.

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Man honestly, I have to play it daily, is kind of I need to do it everyday it calls me, is one of the nicest yoyos ever.
If you play tech and also tons of slacks, rejections and similar elements is just an amazing yoyo (looking also how play Junsang is easy to understand why), it miss just a tiny tiny bit in horizontal where you have to be a bit more skilled than usual to keep it on axis, same for off axis playing and behind the back horizontal but for the rest is really one of my fav yoyos, it is really impossible to miss the combos with it.
It is such a shame it doesn’t get discussed more and is still in all the shops, it really deserve a place in the highest rank!


Got a morbillion yoyos to run through and all I gotta say is that Brass is slowly becoming one of my favorite materials on a yoyo rn

on tomorrow’s episode of DBZ: Kai, The Magicyoyo Rex gets thrown across tile and I have to beg the original owner for forgiveness