No yo yo for Christmas?

I was expecting a gnarwhal 2 and cliff… got neither. But I’m not mad, got a Yeti, Mystery box, Sine//saw, Ammo, Whipple bearings, and a bunch os NYYR things! (and hi chew!)

I never ask for or get yoyos for Christmas. I couldn’t imagine how hard that would be to buy for me. It would just be one of the bad things to ask my family for.
I got a chromebook to watch tv with, and some p.j’s, and a fishing pole. Good year really.

I asked for an avalanche but I didn’t get that, instead I got a 410 shotgun. I believe that was a fair trade off.

wow that’s a small shotgun you must have a small stature.

No not at all it’s just that it’s my first gun.

I got an expensive gaming pc…

You lucky lucky cat

If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.

Sooo… I got myself an ape-x and a arctic circle 2;)