I was going to leave behind my marmots and higby 888. Also I have a ton of Tom Kuhn stuff but it is not easy to sort through, really kind of a pain in that outside environment. But if you wanted to see something specific and I have it I could bring it along.
Your green one has been sitting in its box just itchin to get out since we met last. It is exactly as you remember it. I also will bring the bluegrass. Hows that marmot, is it calling for me yet?
I have some tradables so you may want to bring anything you wouldn’t mind getting rid of, so don’t leave anything at home just yet. I was looking foward to you bringing all your cool stuff ;D
I had such a great time today guys! Thanks to everyone for making contributions. Thank you Steve and Dana for your fantastic trades! And it was nice to meet you finally Joey, I’ll have your DV888 done soon.
AWSOME!! Had a blast. All my yoyos appreciate the exercise you guys gave them today. Their all pretty tired now, they fell asleep on the ride home. It was a nice quiet ride. I think once the wedgie is rested I’ll take him for a spin later.
Also Steve, the marmot collection was pretty happy to see their new buddy.