Newest begginer ever needs a Yo.

Hey everyone, this is my first post here :smiley: So hai to all of you.

I am interested in buying a yoyo, since all the yoyo’s I’ve had were storebought, crappy, looping(i think thats what it’s called) yoyos, not the best choice, huh?

You should consider that the only what I can get yoyo’s is buy ordering from here or somewhere else, and shipping would be expensive, Im far far far away from wherever this company is, so I need ONE, preferrably, order that would satisfy my needs, not having to buy a new yoyo every few months :…

I want something that will last me some good many years, I mean, not too begginerish or toooo advanced :smiley:

You guys have something im mind? I already asked YoyoExpert through contact section, but I need some more opinions :smiley:

So yeah, sorry to bother, have a good day :smiley:

And please don’t give me too begginer yoyo’s, I love challenges ! :S

EDIT: OOh i forgot to say I wanted an adjustable gap yo, I think thats what its called, so it could become unresponsive or responsive as my skill increases


Get a YoyoFactory Velocity and some White Slick 6.

In case you’re wondering, here are some reasons for why you should pick that yoyo =)

And welcome to yoyoing!!! Hope you enjoy it!

Thank you :smiley:

Should I get any stickers, lube, etc.?, because i heard Velocity is a little small gapped, I would like to know what would be ideal to me to buy? :smiley:

you dont really need lube or anything else and there is no way to make a velocitys gap bigger i believe

You’ll be totally fine with just that.

I’m deeply sorry for the begginerish question, but the YYF Velocity is butterfly shaped right?


Questions are good. It helps not just you but other people reading learn new things. :wink:

Yes, it’s a butterfly shape as you can see in the shop section. Make sure to pick up lots of string, and possibly some thin lube. The lube is to keep your bearing lasting longer. You will only need one drop to last you a long time, and the string is well for your yoyo because string breaks pretty easily.

Thanks a lot, sir! :smiley:

Bulk string is relatively good right?

Usually I would say not to double post, but I wasn’t going to be looking at that thread ever again probably, I won’t say that.

Bulk string is good to do because it’s cheaper per string.

Sorry :smiley: But I never understood one thing:

If I edit my post, will it appear in the thread title that bubble saying “New”, which means there are new posts?

That’s why I doublepost, I know that that way it is for sure that people will realize that there are new posts there ???

Yeah. Double posting is really only bad/annoying when they are posted within a few minutes of each other. The double posting you did here was good. :wink: