New yoyos!




the deadweight
quantum phisics

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It’s a undersized full-metal Black Knight with slightly upturned rims.
Small bearing, classic black K-Pads, and it’s made as a colaboration between YYJ and YYF.

3p1c W1n



a smaller pyro. i like the undersized legacy idea

Man! All of these ideas are great! Wouldn’t it be awesome, to one day come on this site and finally see a yoyo with one of these names? HAHA! That would rock!!

Snickers under his breath

The Swisher. It’s my last name, but I think it would be a good name for a yoyo.


The Sloth!! It should be smooth and slow…

Engine. Will never stop spining
Infection. Spread the spirit of yoyoing

Changed mine :

Blitz, a fast player
STed (String Twisted), for awesome crazy techy tricks
Gravitator, plays awesome with great finishing and color to attracts yoyoer to buy.

They should make a special edition 888 with lime green checkers and name it… hmmmm
Green Machine
Rotten Apple
Speck’d Check’s

Toxic Waste… a lime green and purple metal. Purple Splash on the green side, and green splash on the purple side. A Bio_Hazard logo on each of the halves on the inside. 65 grams, flat-rimmed, 888 grinding surface. Oh yeah…

Hope you dont mind but im going to use that as one of my lyn fury mods. Thanks for the idea lol! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow I just looked at some of these ones and thought they were really really good. Then I realized I wrote them. I don’t remember writing these. Weird. I’ve make good yo-yo names when I write something I’ll forget later. Especially that last one. Read the whole thing.

666 (slighly more evil then the 888 :wink:

Andre. Do you see this? Tell Dale to do this please!!!

It doesn’t have to be that one only, but that would be so cool! That one was one of my Ideas!
Actually there are a lot of good ideas on the topic.