I made up a new trick. I haven’t come up with a name yet, but I might call it drop the baby. Here’s how you do it. You practice with a dead yoyo. You get into a rock the baby, but instead of swinging it, you thread the yoyo through the string on the right side. And then you have your trick! Sorry I can’t get a photo or video up. 
P.S.- If you guys don’t like it, it’s alright because I’m new to yoyoing. Also, if someone has already made this trick, please let me know.
If anyone has a trick they would like to share, they can post it.
Alright here’s how yo do my trick in sleeper mode. You throw a strong breakaway and then, if your right handed step forward and to the right and face the yoyo, so your facing a sideways sleeper. Then go into rock the baby and instead of swinging it, thread the yoyo into the string on the right. To dismount after you get into the mount/trick, you simply move your TH index finger next to your NTH index finger and slide the TH finger out, so you’re in a trapeze. Then, dismount anyway you want to ;D.