New to YoYos

Hello, I got a yoyo for xmas (just a cheap little $2 Duncan butterfly stocking stuffer) and soon realized that yoys are a lot more fun than I thought they would be. I’m trying to learn all the handy tricks for basic use such as how to properly hold and throw along with the UFO for fixing my string after messing up enough throws, but one thing I see everyone do that I can’t pin down is how to quickly wind the string with a simple flick.

I see so many people wind up a dead yoyo by simply throwing it a certain way that gets it spinning fast enough to wind up on its own. I’ve tried this on my own many times and can’t even get close to figuring it out.

Is this partially a yoyo problem and my little cheapo yoyo can’t handle that? Or is it entirely up to me to just do it propperly? Also, once I learn a bit more and stop breaking my own wrist every time I pull the yoyo back up too fast is there a recommendation for a good brand to go with from there?

Well, first, welcome to Yoyoing and!!! Very happy you’re here.

So, the sort of start that you’re referring to is rather difficult. You really have to give it a good flick and react quickly, pulling it up.

In terms of a next step yoyo, I recommend a YoyoFactory Velocity. It’s really the ultimate beginner’s yoyo.

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i actually started with a throwmonkey :stuck_out_tongue: but yeah velocitys are great

Interesting, so it’s a yo-yo that you can adjust based on your own skill to make it both a beginner and experienced yo-yo.

Is there a name to the trick I was referring to? Or is it just a form of unnamed basics?

Exactly! And that’s why its so perfect.

I’ve heard the trick called the flick start or the palm start. There’s a few other methods, the snap start, the foot start, and the toss start to name a few. If you go the the “learn” section, click on “Hand starting yoyo”. That’ll teach it to you. Don’t worry about it so much now.

Yes. I would also recommend a yoyofactory velocity to you. I have one and it brought me from trapeze to plastic whip! If you master the bind, then you should try the plastic grind machine by yoyofactory. It’s a great overall yoyo, but a little advanced for some people.

PS: welcome to yoyoexpert :smiley:

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Cool video, yeah I can see why it’s a bit more advanced for me. I can’t flick it and keep it spinning straight. Every time I flick it, it goes lopsided and just goes all over the place. I guess I’ll have to stick with hand winding for now.

My only real issue now is until I get that new yoyo are the mistakes I’m making due to the low quality yoyo I’m using or if I’m just doing it wrong and need improvement.

Thanks for the help so far. Practice, practice, practice.

Honestly IMO a butterfly isn’t a BAD throw, so I would say that the problems you are having are really due to your error, keep practicing. Follow Andre’s instruction in the learn section and work your way from the gravity pull to the sleeper (not sure if you can sleep with a butterfly) to the Breakaway and then the forward pass, and rock the baby. Once you learn those basics you can prolly start worrying about moving on to the other tricks. Most of the more advanced tricks are based off of those basics. Then after you have the basics under control I would consider buying a different throw…

Just my two cents. :smiley:

If you can’t snap-start yet, or at least hand-start (which is a lot, lot easier), be careful with how much you wind your string. You’ll never learn to snap-start unless you practice it! :stuck_out_tongue: Keep snapping it until you can’t take it anymore, and only then wind your string.

Concerning how long until you know if your tricks are your fault or not, take as much of the blame as possible! It’ll only force you to try harder the next time. With your Butterfly, though, you’re throwing a fixed-axle yoyo. I would highly recommend going to Wal-Mart and buying a Mosquito. They cost about 6 bucks, and have a ball bearing inside. This will let you do longer tricks that get you started with string play, like Split the Atom and Barrel Rolls. I got up to The Matrix with mine, and whether it was my fault or the yo’s, never really went past it. The Mosquito also has rounded edges and hurts a lot less. :smiley:

I started with a superyo renegade and i think your talking about a snap start and if you are you can learn that under the learn section.

There are many routes that you can go frome here. One option, is to get the Velocity. I would do that if I was sure I was going to actually use it (basicly if I am enjoying the hobby so far). But if I were still “on the fence” about wether or not I would really get into yoyoing, then I would go to walmart and get a mosquito. From my experience, Butterfly’s are a great fun throw, but for me they have had a tendency to break rather unexpectedly. I hope I helped, and remember, there is no wrong way to go about yoyoing. If you are having fun then you’re doing it right :wink:

Yes, I blame myself most of the time it doesn’t come back up after a throw but still sometimes I can’t help but wonder when I throw a sleeper only to have it suddenly turn sideways before I can pull it back up if it’s more than just my fault.

So far I really enjoy yoyoing and hope I can enjoy it more when my Velocity comes in the mail.

I like your philosophy.

Well, why thankyou :slight_smile: