New Titanium release from iYoYo - The TiTANiC!

Perfect theme song for the Social Justice Warriors as well.

The event was sooo long ago and was made into a massive pop culture movie event 20 years back. Crazy to ding them for the cultural reference. It’s quite clever naming IMO in reference to the iceberg as well!


Omg how did I not know this existed until now


Offensive concept or not, it looks like an incredible titanium yoyo. Love the pullstart/fingerspin dimple!


This looks great

Comparing my render of a 56 x 42 mm, Al 6061 yo-yo design (that does not exist) (thanks @MarkD for the Fusion 360 advice) with the Titanic:


For titanium I would have changed my design by increasing the diameter, making it more v-shaped and being slightly less rim heavy. So, like the Titanic.

TBH I don’t think I would have spent this much on a titanium yo-yo if it weren’t for my first titanium yo-yo, the TiVayder, showing me what’s possible :thinking: :smile:


I don’t really want to wade in, or make a comparison, but I can’t help but think of…


"Oh, the Humanity!!"


Great album


titanic ice
Custom ice is available to match both! The berg and the boat.


It would help Stephen Fry to think a little bit harder about what he is about to say before saying such a vacuous thing.


Would you say… you’re offended by it? :thinking: I sincerely apologize for dragging this thread out further.

Most controversial yo-yo in history.

Well; I will make a prediction…

If; a 3A player decides to throw a Titanic and an Iceberg.

And he accidentally Slams them together.

When the Titanic crushed into the Iceberg; who is gonna rule then?

PS… I fully agree with Stephen Fry and find absolutely nothing vacuous about his view. And I am confident that he did not say what he said without spending a reasonable amount of time considering what he finally decided to say.

I have spent over a half century watching people get thinner skin and crying foul about the tiniest ‘slights’.

People are offended by ANYTHING.

I have seen the increase in reactive behavior.

Thin skin…

Watch your wording so as not to ‘offend anybody; heaven forbid.

Can’t. say ‘fat’ < you are a body shamer…

Can’t mention ‘ethnicity’ or you are a racist.

Don’t say midget. They are ‘little people’.

If you admit to somebody that you screwed up; don’t say, ‘yup; I screwed up bad. Mannnn am I retarded’. BAMM! You just insulted every person on the planet with mental deficiencies.:scream_cat:

So; here we have our board post critics. Get out the Wood Chipper and just shred up the replies.

Whatever you said; there is no doubt something ‘wrong’ with it. And you should not have said it; you vacuous Dolt. How dare you offend ‘somebody’. Somewhere somebody on Earth is going to cry themselves to sleep because of your cruel and insensitive views.

I would not hesitate to suggest there would be twice as many posts on this Forum; if people didn’t live in constant fear of how others are going to react to their : words/meaning/intentions.

Pretty sad…

Can’t even say Merry Christmas. Because somebody doesn’t do the Pagan Holiday, etc…

Oh well

Merry Christmas.


I have definently decided to not post many times. Not because I was breaking a rule but rather fear of backlash.


Fry’s not a thinker or world famous for it. I think you’re thinking of Ron White? I’m sure he was thinking of you. Circa 2006.

Then again, I feel pain from your post. While having fun with me on a couple of course & keep it going. I’m just goofing myself and wish you no ill will or hard feelings from our joust. Just makes it more fun to share our opinion no? Just wanted to be clear I have no malicious intent with you.

We always have a choice. Fear or Love. - Bill Hicks

Difference of opinion is the spice but we shouldn’t burn each other over them nor cower to anothers. This is a life long balance. Know yourself and progress as you see fit.

This thread is TiTANiC!


Alright then, I’ll explain why I didn’t like his statement.

If Fry is talking about every single little petty thing that should not cause any real offense, then I agree, however he isn’t. He seems to be talking about anything offensive.

He suggests that to find something offensive is to believe you have certain rights. That’s just not how it works. There isn’t a point after you hear something offensive at which you decide whether it is against your rights or not. There isn’t a decision to be offended. You hear something and you are either offended or not. If someone says something horrible about my mother to me that would be offensive. There is no decision making process here, no flicking though an index of rights I believe I have to inform my sensitivity. Being offended is OK. You don’t have to make a big fuss about it, but it is OK to feel how you feel.

Giving it a little more thought, I dont believe Fry is completely wrong. There is a kind of offense that people decide to feel that breaches their ideas of identity. These are decided upon before offense, therefore they aren’t any real offense, just an assertion of a person’s peculiar philosophies.

What I don’t like most of all from the quote is how the phrase ‘I find that offensive’ has no meaning or purpose. People are constantly trying to drain words of their meaning. I tire of this.


The point is that an individual being offended doesn’t mean anything to anyone else and it shouldn’t. Nobody owes anyone anything because they are offended, that’s their own problem. You don’t have the right to not be offended.

In this case, nobody is saying you can’t be offended by the name Titanic, they’re saying they don’t care and won’t do anything about it to appease you. Saying the name offends you as if that should matter to other people or something should be done about it is the issue.


yoyodoc, for some reason your post resonated with me, and I can actually say I agree with every last word of it. I have twin nine year olds and I want them to have thicker skin than what seems to me the majority of young ones these days.

Merry Christmas!


In the off chance that context matters, the quote is from when Fry was speaking at a debate with the journalist Christopher Hitchens at The Guardian Hay Festival in 2005 about the The Incitement to Religious Hatred Bill. More info is here:


Taking offense, like most things, is a learned behavior. We are all exposed to the training. Some are just much better at it than others.


Looks like there is only 1 Titanic in stock still surviving.
how selfish… we all know that 2 could have fit on that door. :rofl: