New Titanium release from iYoYo - The TiTANiC!

Just make sure you don’t play 3A with an iceberg and this yoyo if you don’t want your expensive titanium to form a crack.
Too soon?


Yeah, but to name a yoyo after a specific tragic historical event is just… weird? Like, why? It’s a toy. I can appreciate a little levity here and there, but this just feels irreverent for no good reason.

The references, especially the CLYW references you used to build your argument are not comparable 1 to 1 with this. They would be if this yoyo was simply called “shipwreck” — and if that were the case, this wouldn’t really be a big deal because that is an ambiguous term.

A 1 to 1 would be like naming — a yoyo mind you — “the Twin Towers” (with a laser engraving of the towers collapsing) or “Chernobyl” (with a laser engraving of the compound exploding) or “Colombia” (with a laser engraving of the space shuttle disintegrating).

The fact that this company is marketing a toy tuned to the key of a specific awful historic event, complete with an even more cringeworthy “titanium pun” and a laser engraving of the ship half-way sunk — “just because” is totally bizarre to me.

This is just another desensitized worldly “thing”. A mere drop in the bucket that I will never understand.

That’s totally fine @Durfee, no one here is accountable to your moral ground. :wink:

Just continue shaming others for caring enough about sensitive things to speak up — by accusing them of trying to grab the moral high-ground — so that you can feel better about dark humor. That’s some rock solid logic!


To be fair there are a lot of implementation of Titanic in bad taste I guess.


It’s just a name folks. Titanium… Ti… TiTANiC.

Titanic was an engineering marvel in it’s time. It was the epitome of luxury and class. It was a long time ago in a different era. Take a break from all the outrage and enjoy this for what it is - An impeccably built luxurious yo-yo.


Very shiny titantium, that is an amazing polish job.


Also makes reference to the Titanic colliding with an iceberg.


I agree I think we should in this case think of how much of a amazing ship the titanic was


I’m with you on this. I felt the same way about the Heaven’s Gate colorway of the Radical Seas Satyr. I’m not offended by it so much as I find it tasteless. Especially that the choice to use that as the marketing/theming for it seemed so… random.

I didn’t have quite the same reaction to the Titanic, but I see your point. It’s a little less egregious IMO because I get the theming with the Iceberg and because the Titanic sinking has already been so satirized in pop culture (largely thanks to the movie). But I agree that it seems kinda out of left field and I can see why someone might find it distasteful.


The name is supposed to go hand in hand with the iCEBERG.

Also you literally just asserted moral superiority by claiming you’re more of a good person for caring more about a historic accident. And as I mentioned above joking about something is not the same as being happy it happened.

If i set aside time to mourn every tragic accident in the history of man am I entitled to tell you that you’re less of a good person for not mourning the victims of Mt Vesuvius ?

Weren’t you posting Epstein suicide memes? Seems a little hypocritical to do so and be upset at someone making jokes about a tragedy that happened in 1912


@YoYoExpertGarrett if you feel the need to clean this post up I understand. I’ve said my piece.


You completely missed the point I made. You’re not very good at using strawman arguments either, btw.

Interesting discussions.
I’m trying to picture this happening on Reddit.


Lol, if this were reddit there’d be hackers doxing everyone involved… well, at least the last time I visited anything other than r/throwers there.


Perhaps we can all agree that when trying to be clever, people can blurry the line between what is and is not in good taste. That said, when a company makes a decision any consumer doesn’t agree with, the consumer is 100% free to express their opinion with their wallet.


Whew. That was starting to feel like spending time with my in-laws :sweat_smile:


No I understand. You think naming it after a specific tragedy is worse than a generic disaster.

I don’t care. I think telling people what they are and aren’t allowed to name something based on people being offended is lame. Censorship in general is wack.

Nobody is the moral arbiter that gets to tell other people what they have to be offended by or what is funny.

You find this offensive, that’s fine. But why be upset at other people for not sharing your view?

Tupac did 9/11.

Edit: also can’t believe I’m having this argument on a yo-yo forum. People see my position I’m done with this thread. Apologies to YYE for being part of derailing a thread that meant to advertise a product.


If this discussion were to happen in reddit, it would go like this:

  • Someone would complain about the name of the yoyo.
  • A couple of guys would agree, and some others would mildly agree that it is of poor taste.
  • All of those would die in downvotes and have people responding about how they are completely reading way too much into it. A couple would definitely throw some insults and shame the people who get way too preachy about the whole thing.
  • Post dies.

I’ve seen this happen countless times. It happened when CLYW announced the Bear Trap lol, just as @Durfee mentioned.

Now, to give my opinion about this. Knowing how great people the guys behind iYoyo are, I find it very difficult to be upset about this. And no, I’m not saying my personal perception of the people who are behind a controversial topic minimizes or invalidates the “wrongness” of said topic. It’s just that i know for sure this wasn’t made with any ill intent, and made with the full intent of just being clever and punny.

Come on people, I’m all about what’s generally considered morally correct. But I don’t share getting worked up about the name of a toy.

I think the name is cool and clever.


No, I’m honestly just tired of seeing your generic form of self righteous worldly wisdom in this community. You don’t get to passively bully my friends into submission to your skewed form of tolerance and morality.

If you think I’m genuinely offended by this silly yoyo, you have in fact, completely misunderstood me.


I would love to have a Ti with a fingerspin dimple. Hope I get one!


Offical theme song of this yoyo.