I appreciate your insight, and I take into consideration my skill level, but I also know quality as well. I’m only a few months back into throwing but I have faith in what skill I do have. I know I’m no Gentry Stein but would assume something with his name on it would last longer than half way through one string trick…as my other Shutters have the ability to complete much longer tricks without dying out. (I have 2 second hand shutters besides the Wide Angle)
I’m able to perform identical tricks with yoyo’s of considerably lower quality such as The Original Shutter, and even lower grade Magic Yoyo’s. This was the first “quality” throw (my wife) purchased for me as a birthday present.
I’ve swapped the bearing and still, same issue with the wide angle.
I’ve used the bearing from the wide angle in my other shutters as well as my CZM8, and Magic Yoyo Silencer and the bearing seems fine.
I’ve cleaned it by taking the shields off, leaving it in zippo fluid for an hour, dried thoroughly and lubed with a fraction of a drop of thin lube, replaced the shields and placed it back into the wide angle straight.
Upon throwing in the wide angle again, it still dies out very quickly during simple string tricks, most notably “cold fusion” - a very basic trick. Any string tricks or speed combos beyond that and it doesn’t have the performance to complete them.
My throws are hard, straight, and my muscle memory is just that. I dedicate hours a day to this because I’ve been laid off and this is a great past time to have with my son.
In the pictures in the thread I’ve shown what I’ve found with the anodization around the bearing seat on the axel side and I attribute that to compromising the spin time of the bearing in some way. Maybe it’s a factory defect? Maybe it was damaged during shipping?
These are just the issues I’ve had and with reaching out to YoyoFactory as well as where it was purchased from, Yoyo - Canada with no reply yet. Hopefully I can return it and buy something that suits my “lack of” skill level…as you so succinctly put it.
My purpose of this post was to see if anyone else out there may have had a similar issue with the Shutter Wide Angle…not to compare “string length”. lol
Have a good one buddy!