New release from YoYoFactory - The USA Made KAPITAL!

I’m owning my decision.

Backing it 100%

We invented about 20 common terms used in yo-yo including our branding and marketing of B-grade. Artesian anodize may just be the next one to stick. Would the world be a worse place for it?


If you want to continue to confuse your customers and insult their intelligence, then yes, you should keep using it.

However, more transparency, respect, honesty, and integrity is never a bad thing.


Thanks for the lesson.




So…anybody read any good books lately?


Just finished reading this. Really good!


I’m very impressed that YYF has managed to get 2 models made in the US while keeping the price on par with their Chinese made yoyos. They’ve even managed to match One Drop’s cheapest models without in-house machining.

I don’t mind minor flaws on a yoyo. What does bother me is high prices on a yoyo. When a company has super high QC standards and bends over backwards for every problem customer, the prices go up to pay for all the duds and returns. If you want museum-quality stuff, then buy from a brand like G2 or One Drop that already caters to that type of customer. I prefer to buy from brands that allow minor imperfections to keep the cost down. Sales numbers will always hold far more weight than forum complaints anyway, if you don’t like something then don’t buy it.


Honestly I don’t really mind if there is an anno issue. I would just like to have it clearly noted before I purchase . I would have had no idea what that would mean . Even though it is in the photo to me it looks like it could just be lighting .


YYF has likely put more yo-yos in the hands of aspiring throwers than just about anyone, but If I’m being honest I have to agree this has been a pattern on this forum.


Ben is a … Great dude.

Stay strong Ben!

Tori Amos ain’t got nothin bra!

Edit: Suzuki Roshi story -
Next to the temple on Bush Street was a grocery store run by an old woman. Suzuki Roshi used to buy the old vegetables there. Finally one day the woman said, “Here are some fresh ones. Why don’t you take them?”

“The fresh ones will be bought anyway,” he answered her.

These are fresh… or…



Why not buy from both types of companies? I love both, and both are awesome for different reasons. Yyf makes great performing yoyos, and their prices are excellent. They are a staple un the community and they do more to bring yoyoing to the masses than all the boutique companies put together ever will.

It seems a bit limiting to only buy from a certain kind of company. And it almost certainly indicates a loss of focus on the actual TRICKS part of yo-yoing.

Buts that’s just my two cents that no one asked for haha. Carry on.


I never said not too I just quoted half a sentence. I own yyf YoYos so not sure what point you’re making here or why you’re acting like I don’t? Maybe you meant to reply to the other guy. But yeah G2 and one drop make the best YoYos… MfD is dope too but hard to get

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Well, based on that fact that quote you were referencing was literally “buy from a brand like G2 or One Drop” my response was pretty logical.

I know the original comment had a different point than that, but again, thats the only sentence you pulled out.


I was being funny but obviously not taken that way. I’d sit here and have a discussion but the guy above me already stated it well. Peace

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Alright cool man.

Enjoy your yoyos how you see fit, I suppose I’m in no position to judge.

Have a good one :slight_smile:
May the next trick you learn be an absolute banger.


Good vibes

a lot of good points made on both sides.

Which side will YOU choose!?!

you really can’t blame people for being upset about the ano flaw and marketing terms. while at the same time trying to keep prices down on a US made product.

how many people buying the blue will be aware of the ano flaw if it wasn’t brought up, and how many will never be aware until they receive because they aren’t on forums.

US made quality though without (insert common Chinese production issue)


Yes I agree. It seems intentionally misleading, however I really enjoy YYF and right now just picked up the California, its cheap and fun. The Kapital should have said flaw, for sure but when you read the side note in italics it does make it fairly obvious. Still, I did not expect there to be such sassy deflections haha


Someone needs a PR guy ;p

jk but fr but actually can’t wait for the confusion additional run ;p haha