i have had some ideas in the past and as always, i want to follow through, but right now, it is still an idea.
so i ask those gammers on the forum, have you heard of machinima?
it is basically a company (started off as 4 guys in a basement) that puts out videos that people make playing video games. most of it are funny animations that people make using the video game as the medium, but a large part is gameplay videos.
so now you are thinking, “where is this going?”
well the gameplay part, people play the games, record it, then send it to the company or posts it on the youtube account (not super sure about how that works).
why can’t this be done in the yoyo world? i am thinking of making a new youtube channel for throwers to watch, and possibly join.
machinima started as a small fun thing for people, and now it is a large company that sponsors gamers and even does some news reports in the gaming world.
just think about the idea, let is sit in for a little bit, ponder the good parts, the bad parts, the difficulty, and then discus on this thread please.
basically, or you could upload it if i give a password to “sponsored” players. i don’t like using the word sponsored, because it is not a company (yet), but players that try out and join. you can be indie or sponsored by other companies, and i just need to see a few videos if i start this idea in a reality.
it is a way to help good players get out into the world without contests.
it is a single channel that will have a lot of good yoyo videos being uploaded every week.
it is fun.
this is not meant to be anything more than those three points mentioned, but if it becomes more, than that is good. using machinima as an example again, it started as 4 guys in a basement, but now they have their own offices, they have directors all over the world, and some get offered a job in LA in the offices and get to do more work with full time pay.
i dont expect my idea to elevate to that, especially because there are so many more gammers than yoyoers. but it would still be fun, and who knows what might come from this.
Well I add every yoyoer I can.
Then on a daily basis I check my facebook and filter by links. It gives me what all my friends have linked since my last visit. Then I watch all the videos that are linked, and switch to videos uploaded and then watch those.
so if i follow through on this idea, i want a little more input and interest or just comments or tips or whatever criticisms you have. it all helps. it will make me think about it.