New D-Bearing releases from RSO - The Bowl Mini and Bowl Mini Aluminum!

Bowl Mini:

This new version of the Bowl Mini features a D bearing. Due to its smaller diameter, a D bearing has a greater number of revolutions per minute (RPM) when spinning compared to a C bearing, hence giving the yo-yo a more powerful spin. However, the down side is that the yo-yo spins for a shorter period. These characteristics are more pronounced with an A bearing, which is has an even smaller diameter. The D bearing sits comfortably between the A and C bearings in terms of these characteristics.

You can feel an apparent difference when comparing both the C bearing and D bearing versions of the steel Bowl Mini. The D bearing version plays more like a younger child, with more extraordinary bursts of energy and shorter attention span. The C bearing version plays like an older child who can sit in front of a television for days. Like all parents, you would love both children.

Releasing Sunday 1/10 @ 8PM EST.

Bowl Mini Aluminum:

The goal for the Bowl Mini was to take the Titanium Bowl and shrink it down to a compact undersized throw. This newest iteration is machined form aluminum and features a D bearing for even better and more unique performance!

I wanted to do something special with the 6061 aluminum version of the Bowl Mini, and applied a much thicker layer of blast. The heavy blast gives the yo-yo a more premium feel and brings out the colors beautifully. The yo-yos look gorgeous in person, following the Pantone colors of the Rubik’s cube.

Due to the aggressive blast, a significant portion of the 6061 aluminum Bowl Mini run has tiny spots in the cup, which are only apparent under bright light. I am calling these the Crayon Edition - if you give a young child a crayon to draw on a piece of paper, you’ll probably get the same effect! The Crayon Editions are different from B grades, which have too extensive crayon spots and will not be sold.

Releasing Sunday 1/10 @ 8PM EST.


Wanted a yellow so bad but that blue is calling me of the 4


Get ‘em both. Having been able to play one (red), I can say it’s a truly magnificent undersized yoyo. Plus, if you decide you only want one, RSO has serious weight on the BST and there is definitely going to be someone who will want to trade or purchase it.


Love mine


Well worth it.


For the people who have one do they like the steel or that al version better?


I personally like the steel better, but do I like it $100 more? Probably not, lol. They’re both great, steel is more stable for me, but I play them both equally.


I would say they have a different personality. I would snag one of each and give them a throw. They behave completely different in hand given the different mediums of construction. That said, if you’re only going to snag one, I’d probably grab a steel. It’ll have the better resale, be more exclusive, and have a more premium feel. Elvin puts a lot of time, effort, and soul into his yoyo development, and his steel throws don’t have the typical steel hang ups (like that rock on the end of the string feel). If price is your issue, you will not be disappointed at all with the mini. As much as I love my bowls (I own several Ti, regs, and a mini), I dare say I prefer the mini. But that could be just be that new throw appeal talking ^_^. I know if you like organic, the bowl in any iteration is one of most premium versions available. If you were a fan of the original, you’ll love this one.

Tangent: waiting patiently for more yoyo tutorials ^_^.


Damn, Son! Coming with that beautiful half-swap.


The half-swaps on this one are really fun!


Different yoyojoe (you’re thinking of yoyojoe1) :wink:


that is how @d4nnyb0yy rolls… halfswap king


I’ve got 9 throws up for sale right now in an attempt to raise the funds to cop these. Please buy my throws, all proceeds will go to a great cause, I promise.


and potentially more photos of nude yoyos… we all would win really


Hahaha. Did not know that. Good lookin’ out. Still, I’m open to tutorials from all ^_^.


I just picked up a steel one!


15 min after the drop. Only 2 steel ones left (out of at least 24 I think) and the of the aluminum ones are gone. :flushed:


That’s RSO for you they are hot drops! Got my red and super excited to try it!


I nabbed a SS too!

1 left…


Well seems orange was the color not blue lol