the white face ring engraving in the cup looks so good. More yoyos with that please.
I like the the engraving on the solid colors, I wish more engraving would looked that cool…
I’m a big fan of that fade, I’d have one in my cart right now if I hadn’t just spent way too much recently in a couple sales and BST buys lol
We got them in blank not knowing what we wanted to do then biffed it with a typo
Haha I didn’t notice that! It still looks great though.
I love the original supernova, and I ordered a bettynova the moment it dropped. I can’t wait to try it, I’m sure I’ll love it. I watched the live stream when Betty introduced her new yoyo, her enthusiasm for the bettynova was obvious. Betty’s talent, devotion and accomplishments deserve to be celebrated.
I deeply appreciate all the time and passion Ben and his partners put not just into YYF, but their team and the yoyo community as a whole. I cannot think of a single company that does more for yoyo. Take the time to watch a few of Ben’s live streams, his joy and love of yoyo is clear, even after all these years. I find it refreshing and inspiring.
Edited to be on topic.
I think that Lavander/orange fade is fantastic, and I really wish I could buy one, but I don’t think YYE takes yoyo’s as currency… for now.
It sure is, that’s the one I’ve got coming.
Speaking of Betty, I’ve been working through her tutorials on youtube. She makes them look so easy when she first shows the trick, and then I stumble around for ages just trying to complete one. Even the one’s she labels as easy are deceptively tricky, at least for me.
Nice, I’m really looking forward to getting one on the BST if and when they pop up, I’d love to try it out.
@pinhead PM’d
Can’t wait for mine to arrive!
Would you do a video review of this? Yours are the best.
Good idea…
Since the last post before yours was in 2021, he would probably have a pretty accurate description of what he thinks about the yo-yo, 3 years later…