From YoYoFactory: Introducing the current Mexican National Champion and 2x Women’s World Champion Betty Gallegos’s first signature yo-yo by YoYoFactory - The Meerkat!
We started the design process working with the yo-yos Betty previously used and somewhere along the way something new was born. Speed, power and finesse. The perfect match for Betty and the yo-yo she used to capture the 2019 World Title!
Betty plays yo-yo. She beats the boys & takes their lunch money on the regular. She named her yo-yo after a cute animal just to trick you. Don’t be fooled.
This has reminded me of my original goal of first buying yoyos that were used by individuals who have won, or have placed well in competitions. Most of them are not really that expensive anyway (except for Draupnirs and maybe the Edge Beyond lol).
Hotter Take: That engraving looks like elementary classroom decorations from the 90’s. I still want one. And Betty is the bee’s knees. But dang I wish that engraving was simpler/symmetrical/nonexistent.