My fav printed mini beater, I always have with me in any of the 8 colors I printed them in:
Uhhh, very nice and intriguing design In which colors did you print them?
Let me think:
- red x 2
- yellow x 2
- black
- white
- purple
- grey
Ok 8 I have right now flying around when I am not missraten.
Mmh…purple sounds nice
(And I don’t think you are ‚missraten‘ because you don’t know the exact amounts ).
Gotta love German auto correct.
Haha verdammt
Made some changes to my fixed axle, and got v2 printed out. Way better response, it’s absolutely snappy now. Plus, I was able to land a stall first try with it (I am terrible at tricks, so this was a massive win for me). The biggest difference between v1 and v2 are the response cutouts around the axle. I omitted these in the first design figuring the 3D material would have enough grip, but it didn’t really. Next I increased the filet along the rim to be more of a chamfer to make catching the yoyo on the string a touch easier. Have to say, I am very happy now.
Name-Pending v2, Fixed Axle
Diameter: 57.15mm
Width: 32.4mm
Gap: 2.4mm
Axle: 9.515mm
Weight: 47.4g without hardware | 11.9g hardware | 59.3g total
That looks like a fun yoyo. I like the response cutouts.
Thanks! I’m curious to see how they wear over time. I imagine given that it’s a nylon/CF hybrid material, it should be fairly durable to wear from the string.
I’ve had BigBoi v1 in hand for a little while now and I’ve been able to collect my thoughts.
First off, this thing is crazy dependent upon alignment of the guts. The interaction of the cabal guts, and super wide yoyo means the thing pulse vibes like mad unless tuned perfectly lol. I’m confident the problem is alignment of parts because I have gotten it reasonably smooth once, but only once (and I proceeded to remess it up immediately because I thought I could get smoother lol). When the yoyo is smooth enough to be playable, its crazy fun: big, bouncy, with better than expected power and spin time.
I’ve since gone through and redesigned it for bigger diameter and less width, hopefully to maintain the big feels with a little more stability and less vibe. It is now 60x46 instead of 58x48. In addition to the dimensional changes, I increased the relative rim weight. I also took the opportunity to design the same yoyo around Side Effects, with even more rim weight concentration. In all cases the weight goal is still 69g.
BigBoi v2 (SE and Cabal Versions)
D: 60mm
W: 46mm
G: 4.25mm (Cabal) or 4.4mm (SE)
M: 69.2g
Comparison of v2 and SE shapes
Comparison of both V2 (Cabal vs SE)
You’ll have to let us know how the string holds up over time too. Since CF/Nylon (and other impregnated filaments) can be quite abrasive I just wonder how much the string will wear over time or if it does at all.
Been playing and enjoying the yoyo for a few months now, and I have to say, I absolutely love it. I’ve gone through and tried various axle materials, and they each have their merits and cons. The aluminum was quite grippy, but made the yoyo feel a bit too light. Steel was less grippy but has a better weight. Ceramic felt amazing for the weight, but was far too fragile.
The string doesn’t get too heavily damaged either. It took a few months for it to completely wear through, and now I’m experimenting with different strings to see which ones I like the most with it.
I’m also in the process of having an aluminum version made as well as a new 3D printed version with a more organic string catch zone based on @bheinz63 's recommendations, so I’ll come back with an update after that’s said and done.
Ohh that looks nice
I had to do a few modifications to the design to get it to be the right weight and such, but it overall plays really well.