need yo yo suggestions for someone between a beginner and intermediate

i need a yo yo suggestion for a beginner to intermediate player that WONT break the bank. around like 40 dollars or less, any suggestions?

Do you know how to bind? Well, I highly suggest the YoYoJam Legacy. It’s the best yoyo in the whole world. In my opinion. Haha.

But isn’t your Grind Machine good enough?

how about a protostar?

also i need some tips on string. poly, cotton, half and half? for string tricks

PS: i know how to bind

get one of the speed dials… they are adjustable for someone who is learning and about 40 dollars

get a dv88 it will last you long or if you get 10 more dollas and u get better the DTI bassboost great yoyo phenaminal

100% Polyester is the best you can get.

And the Legacy.

Dude, he’s between beginner and intermediate.

Stay with your GM until you hit the advanced. THEN get a dv888 or protostar

i had a fg peak and im still using it

And what are you learning?

im learning expert part 2

im like half way through intermediate one but no othe triks also

Prove it!

Wow, I was slightly surprised that no one really mentioned that this post should be in the Yoyo recommendations section.

Poly string and a legacy won’t disappoint

sorry about not putting it in the recomendation catagory. im new to this site

If you can bind than a protostar. If you can’t Than a Duncan FH2

Yes i would definitly get a protostar if you can bind but if you cant bind i would get DmII or legacy as these are two great beginner to intermediate yoyos. The reasons I would get the protostar is that it is cheap,It is still one of my favorite yoyos and i have been throwing for 10 months.It also is very fast and even after 8 months you can still use it.
Link to legacy here YoYoJam – YoYoExpert
DM II link here YYJ Dark Magic II – YoYoExpert
And protostar here YoYoFactory – YoYoExpert