Need help with Spirit Bomb 1st hop

So I guess I’m the only guy who can’t even get the first hop right.

I hop the yoyo up into the string above, and it immediately gets tangled before I get a chance to cross my hands. My string length isn’t unusually short: basically belly button to ground distance (and I’m about 5’8" tall). But the string formation I get prior to the first hop looks so tight that I just don’t see where the necessary slack comes from to give the yoyo enough distance so I can cross my hands under it before it snaps back into the strings again.


Is it possible for you to make a video of you attempting first hop so I can try to see what’s going wrong

Popping up into the string and crossing your hands is done simultaneously. Since your hands are moving during the pop the string will have the slack it needs to make the move.

Hey! Did you already check out Sector y? There should still be a sweet illustration that helps a lot!

Just a bit off topic:
I just remember: back in 2001 or so you didn’t even have google or a link to the ‚Lab‘… Either you knew, to add the /sector_y or you just haven’t been able to enter… those were the days….! :kissing_heart:

I will try to post a video of what I’m running into. It could be I’m starting the hop from an incorrect mount structure. Then again, my Kwyjibo is not strong, which Andre suggests is a requisite for getting this trick down, so there are probably myriad other obstacles in my way as well.


I too have SpiritBombitis. Watching this thread closely.

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My experience with Spirit Bomb hops, I do not hit the top string hard as I pass my hand underneath, more like I created a triangular window and the top string is a guide as I move my hands while keeping my thumb and little finger spread wide on my throw hand holding the string under slight tension so the triangular hoop does not collapse on to the yo-yo as it passes through the string hoop.
That is the thing I had trouble with as I learned Spirit Bomb, once I was able to get this down. It was all about polishing up the movements and getting a flashy entrance to wrist mount and a good exit bind. I hope this helps

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Give me a day and I make a tutorial

So in this example, the yoyo didn’t get all tangled up, but I didn’t land it on the right string somehow.

(Please forgive the shaky hands…too much caffeine combined with on-camera jitters…)


What one sec

You are not underpassing it with your non throwhand you just swung over in a weird way

Try to hop it up and bring your hand s closer wen the yo-yo hits the string

That was what I got trying to pop up into the string and cross my hands simultaneously as Professor said.

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You’re doing great so far! Should have the trick in no time. When you are about to do the first hop… practice the hop alone first…isolate the hop from the arm cross. Work on hopping the yoyo straight up cause right now you are like shooting it to the side. Once you learn to pop the yoyo straight up and not to any one side… then add the arm cross. You’re doing fantastic


How do I produce enough slack without the arm cross? Popping straight up without moving my hands allows the yoyo to go, maybe, an inch up in the air before hitting the string and jetting back down into a tangled mess.

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Try to make the wrist mount bigger so that the string komming of the yo-yo is very close to your hand

You can to that by making the triangle very smallthat forms when you go into the wrist mount

My starting position looks, to my eyes anyway, pretty much like it does in all the tutorials I see:

Do you se the triangle komming of your wrist?

Try to make it small so it nearly touches your throwhand