Need help with I.D. of yoyo and color-ways

Anyone know what the gold yoyo is? Also seeing if anyone knows the names of the color of the Benchmark’s and Cliff

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The gold yoyo is a Radical Seas Set Sail. Fun little bit of trivia is those were machined in the USA by Foxland Precision.


2016 benchmark V and W (green is V red is W) and what I believe is a CLYW cliff are the others.

That is great to know thank you so much, it’s a super smooth throw on the string.

Thank you, do you have any idea what the names of the color-ways were?

I don’t, but I do know that most of the benchmarks of those colors are NQP afaik.

oh oops, i thought this was talkin about the ODs

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The Cliff is “Saskatoon Blizzard”

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The red one looks like it may have some specks of ano missing, I’ll have to look over the green one again

Thank you :pray:

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You’re welcome. That’s the only one I knew off the top of my head but since nobody has identified the other ones yet, I checked One Drop’s flikr for you and the Benchmark W is “Watermellow(Will Prater)” and the Benchmark V is “Alien Autopsy”.

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I never remember to check their Flikr, thank you once again