need help please look

hey guys i have 200$ i am not looking to spend it all but i want a really smooth stable fast long spinning competition throw what is your advice?

My favorite competition yoyo is the genesis and superstar so I would go for either one and if you are looking for something really smooth I’d go for the canvas

I agree with the above poster… The Genesis is easily my favorite yoyo…

Really though, almost any modern yoyo you buy will be smooth and be good for competition play…

You need to find what you want. Do you like big yoyos? Small yoyos? Heavy yoyos? Light yoyos? Rounded yoyos, or ones with flat rims?

I’d just browse the store and get adventurous. Like I said, just about anything you buy will be a quality yoyo, especially if you’re paying more than $30… Not saying that the sub-30 buck yoyos are crap, I love my PSG, and my FHZ, and my ONE, and my Lyn Fury, and they all get tons of play, but with how yoyos are these days just about anything in that $30+ range will be BOSS, which is a good throw as well

A clyw maybe i heard they are good

The smoothest, quietest yoyos I have are ILYY and One Drops. I would suggest taking a look at those offerings as many are still in stock or easily found on the BST. You can check out what looks like the best fit for your preferences then start shopping. :slight_smile:

ive narrowed down 2 a few throws…

clyw sasquatch

clyw chief

clyw canvas

yyr dreaghdought

ive narrowed it down




winning bird


i want a competition throw im a slow deliberate player with mixed in slack tech and whips