Need help choosing a string

Hi so I’m deciding what string thickness of Kitty String should I choose Fat or either Extra Fat?

I’m planning to use it on the MYY Z01 Focus and the MYY T1 Captain

Response pads used is the pads that come with the yoyo


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How was the response with a regular thickness string? Kitty fat is a solid performing string.

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I haven’t tried kitty string but I have here is Preslie string that is made only in the philippines I found out that the binds with XF worked on my Z01 and the T1 captain too.

The binds are tight and no snags

(Terribly sorry for my bad english)

I think for the most part, Kitty Fat would be fine for both of your yoyos. I wouldn’t want to go too thick with the T1 Captain since it’s a responsive yoyo and has a smaller gap than your usual unresponsive yoyo.

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Get iyoyo slackies they are amazing

I much preferred kitty xl in early stages of learning unresponsive tricks but now it depends on the yoyo. If you are newer go with thicker string, especially with magic yo-yo’s yellow response pads which tend to be slippy imo. Better yet, get a 10 pack of each and see which works best for you.