Ǎ̶̝̤̟̠̤̂ ̵̰̜͖̰͚͊̊̆N̵̛̺̿̈́ ̶̧̨̹͓̂͑͂X I E T Y style trickcircles

Hey y’all!
I wanted to present to you something I’ve been working on for a while that’s pretty unique and something that has opened up a new style of exploration of tricks for me.

I started a unique trick approach about a year ago with the idea of “solving a puzzle”, with a heavy influence from cubing. In solving cubes, there are many points where patterns are “familiar” and the solver knows how to get out of that part of the puzzle. I realized this could be done with yoyo tricks as well. Within many complex mounts, there are points where elements will feel “familiar” with a direction that you know well enough to get out of that section.

I started experimenting with trick formations that seem ridiculous, abnormal, overly and unnecessarily complex, with the goal to have those sections as starting points, and having to use my past yoyo mount and element knowledge to challenge myself to “solve” and exit those formations.

The result is something that is more for the player than an audience as a lot of these tricks won’t look very “pleasing” or flowy, and are purely meant for the thrower to solve and have fun with.

There are definitely parallels with the “Fully freestyle” tricks that MarkMont has dived into, but with a different approach.

The term A̶̡̗̖̣̥͈̠̮̝͙̔̀̏̒̐̀̐̀̄͊̏͐̈́̿̓ ̵̱͇̞͛̽̊̾N̵̛̯̣̘̲̻̜̠̯͎̩̼͇͖͔̒͐̌͛̉̋̑̈́͂̈́̈́̉͆̕͝ ̴̢̟̲̬͉̳̮͙̯̼̱̠̻͉̺̪̰̦̰̈́͒X̷̰̘͇̠͚̹͈͖̻̲̭̀͆̽̈̔̃̆͜ ̸͇̒̽̀̍͆͗̅̋Į̴͍̺͈̳̤͕͖̜̙̙͋̋̈̈̈́̉̎̓̈́̌́̌̈́̐̈́̇͊̚̕͝ ̷̭̟̖̼̻͍̭̙̦̌͑͂́̀̾́͐͂̽̂͆̓̕͠ͅḘ̴̩̜̗̪͉͚̒̓͂̒̏̌̂̋̓̊̉̿̀̅̇͋͘͜ ̷̨̠̥͉͍̮̖̮̼̺̝͇̲̃̅͐̑̇͛͜Ţ̴̤̣̮̬͓̬͔̤͍̲̖͌̄̉̐̌̋̑̾ͅ ̴̣̼͔̫̤̯͖̯̬͈̩͔̗̼̠̤̀̔̓̅͗͆̿͐̃͜Y̷̢̮͎̫͇̳̼͖͔̳̘̰̆̒͒͋͌ͅ style comes from some fellow throwers who exclaimed that watching this style gave them anxiety. And as someone who also deals with anxiety, the name hit close to me and ended up sticking.

In the end, Anxiety style is:
1: Create the most abnormal and unfamiliar sort of mount set up you can make. Make knots, add wraps, do something weird.
2: work step by step to find your way out, looking for things that are familiar along the way.
3: Complete the solve, and exit in a simple element (trapeze, gt, tower, any “standard element”)

I hope some others will give this kind of trick approach a try! If you give it a go, use the tag #anxietystyle on IG so others can see It!

Much love.



That was a really cool video! You’re pushing us one step closer to knitting a sweater out of the string as a yo-yo trick!


I do this kind of when I mess up like try to escape in a way that kind of makes sense and hopefully figure some stuff out along the way. I usually escape but not nearly in as clever ways as you do but you’re also really good at Yoyo. I definitely get anxiety when that happens bc it’s like a ticking clock.

I go fully freestyle all the time tho and used to think that was something every Yoyo player did, like just throw it and see what happens, but now I’m not so sure. My goals are always be smooth, try to do things that make sense, and don’t mess up! Hah! I had a breakthrough there recently because I realized I need to just go back to familiar mounts more often instead of always diving deeper into the unknown like the tricks can flow better and I can resolve them more.

I’ve learned a ton just improvising and trying stuff out and it’s cool to see your approach to that. Your tricks always look sick and I have no idea how you get them to resolve so well. I’ll try to see what crazy mounts I can set up and escape from.


I knew my love of picture tricks at a young age would lead to something interesting!


This is such an interesting concept and i love the name, I see myself doing it when I create my combos and sometimes i just go on over complicated stuff, i think its fun and is cool you took out actual combos from it, so curious to see more!


Thank you! Definitely fun to experiment with, it’s kind of something I’ve realized in that everyone already does this sort of thing to an extent, it’s just a matter of taking it as a concept itself and expanding on it. :slight_smile:


Hey y’all! I’m back with another A̵̧̗͓͓͖͖̓̈̅̕Ņ̶̢̟̭̰͎̬̮̪̫̈́͋̎̄̓̅͛X̵̡̢̨̧̡̜͇̮̝̲͔̝̬͖̩͙̳̝̖̳̮̝̪̉́̀̈́̐́͜I̷̗̩̣̖͖̜̣̮͚͓̫͇̊͂̀̄̄̋̾̈́̔̓̐̀͛̄̋́̔̎̒̓͆̓̚̕͘͜͠Ḝ̸̡̡̢̛̮͚̗̫̳̟̖̣͚̺͚͇͖̼͕̤̣͖̐̒̀̔̏̈́̇̔̓̊͆̒̌̉̍̾͒͆̈́͜͝͠͝͝T̶̤͖͚̗̣̺̗͐ͅŸ̷͈͓͙̼͈͓̦̫͚̫̠͕̟̯̲̩͇̗̺̞͈̠̻̜́̃̓̒̉̂̈ ̸̨̧̠̣̣̹̮̱͙͎̟̝̮͍̫͓̑̾̆̆̈́̉͑̓͜ͅ style trick circle!

This one turned out super interesting and I loved that I had many opportunities for rejections in this one.



Back with another!

I’m calling this one À̸̱͚5̵̞̞̄͘∆̶̦͂̔∞̵̼͉̓∞̵̢̉

Anytime my formations turn into a tower is like icing on the cake for me :slight_smile:

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Hellø ∆ll! I’m back with more and this time:
Л̴̡̊ю̷̳͘т̵̰̋н̴̻͒е̷̲̎в̶͙̈и̴͝йдень. An experiment in quicker solves within Á̵̉ ̸̏ͅŃ̶͜ ̷̧̏Ẍ̶́͛ ̸̔̓Ĩ̶̕ ̶̫̃E̴̽ T Y̸̞͂ ̷̋̅

A lot of tricks in this §tyle end up being longer form, and I challenged myself to create a quick solve of sorts and was happy with the results!
