my Yyj Classic for 5A...

That’s one of my Classic prepared for 5A.
Such revisions are:

  • Elimination of the inside of the caps, so as to maximize the weight in the rings.
  • New shape and little lightening of hub
  • Increase in the return system
  • Enlargement of the gap of 0.5 mm
    Now the yoyo weighs 50,60gr against 63,40 of the original, there are no vibrations, has maintained the same stability but has significantly increased its spinn times (using the same bearing, of course)

The work was done with my trusty Lathe Ceriani David 202

I think that’s an awesome way to get a lighter version of the Classic and that’s cool what you did with the response area. And I’ve always wanted to see what it looks like on the inside of the caps.

However, you’re not going to get more stability or spin times by removing material. You can get a faster spin initially, but stability and spin time will only decrease from the original. A bigger gap will also decrease your spin times because your throw doesn’t transfer as much energy into the yo-yo.

That’s really cool work though. Probably a ton of fun to throw something that light and rim-weighted. Looks great! ;D

Thank you.
I can tell you for sure that the rotation time is longer, I have two more with which to make comparisons (clearly as I wrote, for use against the same bearing) … I don’t know data an explanation but it is so, and I do not say to brag because it is a result of pure luck.
The stability has not changed, meaning that the yo-yo is not worsened.
Tomorrow I’ll start to finishing, I have a cabin for blasting and glass beads from 90-130 microns … (post the picture)

Looks pretty damn sweet! :smiley:

It certainly looks cool, but I find the classic is perfect for 5A as long as you mod it to play unresponsive. I like the weight.