My yo-yo won't unscrew

I’ve struggled with a particular CLYW yo-yo I have not been able to take apart for almost a year.

I tried the following:

  • rubber gloves
  • putting the yo-yo in the freezer overnight
  • my weak anemic t-rex programmer arms

none of these worked for me :frowning:

I finally managed to do it, the advice of @yoyodoc to use tape in a loop (so you effectively have double-sided tape), placing the tape on each rim is correct. In this case I had actual double-sided foam tape on hand so I used that, but the principle is the same:


Basically you want BOTH SIDES of the tape to be sticky so it is gripping both your hands and the yoyo with extra sticky force.

I was amazed at how easily this worked, compared to rubber gloves or the freezer or brute force. If you too have a yo-yo that won’t unscrew, give it a shot!

You betcha I lubed the heck out of the axle (the hex key side) after putting it back in. This is the only yo-yo I’ve ever owned with this problem, came from YYE that way, so it’s freakish bad luck I guess?