OK, so today I received back a yoyo that was getting modified. For whatever reason, the axle was lost. I mean, we’re not talking major costs here. Stuff happens. Anyhow, the yoyo is a RecRev Sharp.
Upon receiving my yoyo back, I of course opened it up to discover that A: I have to silicone it(it was being modified to accept flowable silicone) AND the axle was missing. So, I’m excited to silicone a yoyo, but I can’t really do anything until I get a replacement axle.
Where do I go first? Why, YYE of course, to get information. Wow, within 20 minutes I had a response and within an hour I had an answer more or less. I couldn’t wait to get out of the house.
So, I ran into some issues. First, one of the dimentions weren’t right, but that was trivial. Testing the yoyo on the Home Depot screw/nut testing thing took care of the width, which was 4mm. The information of a 5mm depth was perfect. But I had some issues. Before you go to the hardware store, you should be prepared. Of course, chances are, anything you’d need would be at the hardware store anyways.
This is what I needed and used:
YYF Multi-Tool. I needed to pull the bearing and use the hex tool to adjust the bearing in and out. One time the bearing was stuck in the side where I tested a too-long axle, and the YYF multi-tool’s bearing puller handled it no problem.
Leatherman-type multi-tool with pliers. One time the bearing got stuck and I couldn’t use the hex tool in the multi-tool so I had to walk to the tools area of Home Depot to get an inexpensive set of pliers for my axle removal purposes.
What did I need?
Specifically, 4mmX5mm socket set screw, sold in a bag of 2 for 50-cents.
Works great.
Be prepared. Save time. Keep throwing and having fun! It’s great a lot of the stuff we can get can often be obtained via other means when we’re pressed for time or want to just get things done.
Oh, and don’t forget your cell phone, especially if it has the email on it from YYE that has the set screw dimensions in it! Luckly, I memorized what I needed to get, but more amazingly, I remembered it!