My string is knotted to the bearings and my yoyo can’t be taken apart

My yoyo string got knotted to the bearing and now I can’t do the sleeper or anything it just comes right back to me like a dollar tree yo-yo. My yoyo can’t be taken apart and I can’t take the string of what do I do?

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You could try picking the knot out with a toothpick, if that doesn’t work, you could take a sharp knife and carefully cut the string off around the bearing.


Use a toothpick to pick at the knot. What YoYo’s is it? If the string is cheap take a knife and carefully saw at it till you free the yoyo


It’s a Duncan butterfly


I thought you could just pull these apart with out unscrewing them :thinking:

I don’t know I tried several ways to take it apart but it wont

What do I do if I cut it. Like do I get new strings or… I’m new to yo-yoing and this is confusing me

Butterflies & Imperials can be forced apart as described here:

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Ya i just did it with one, simply pull the two sides apart and the unknot the string and put it back on the axel and push back together, no unscrewing needed

Yeah new string. You can buy some cotton or poly from yoyo expert.

I’m trying to pull it apart but it won’t it’s like it’s glued together or something idk. Maybe I’m just weak idk

They can be really snug together. I struggle to take a butterfly apart at times especially the older mold

Ok. Thanks for being so helpful everyone

ugh u have one of the oranges with a black fly…



Don’t take it apart to get a knot out. If you can’t wiggle or pick out the knot, I’d follow snoopy’s advice and carefully cut a layer or two of string until you can unwind it. While you can take these apart, it’s overkill for a knot. You can get new string easily and I’m sure anyone here would happily send you some if there’s any reason you can’t get string.


I know absolutely nothing about butterfly’s excpet that my brother brought me this home from a museum field trip one day… that yoyo is probably 15 years old now :sweat_smile:

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Ok thanks for the advice. Thanks for the offer I wil see if my mom can get one for me but idk. Thanks

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I have to cut it

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How sharp of a knife should I use

You want like a pocket knife or something, not a butter knife. Be careful not to slip and cut yourself!

Ideally, if you have a steak knife with serrations, that’ll work best

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