My Sengoku ERCIM Review!

Hey guys, here’s my review on the Sengoku ERCIM. Enjoy!

Note: I know that people have been worried about biased reviews and disclosing any sponsorships on the forums recently. So I am with Sengoku, but I did my best to make this review my honest thoughts.

If you’re looking for straight line performance in a monometal, save your money and get a shutter or an Ashigaru, or any other of a number of great yoyos in the budget range. But if you want those crazy trick possibilities and a unique feel, get this yoyo. It is definitely worth it in my opinion.


That trick you did with the second cup is crazy!!!

I don’t mean to blow your mind, but the yoyo is the ERCIM, not ERICM.

Excellent review though! Definitely a true breakdown of the yoyo’s strengths/weaknesses rather than just another “good yoyo you should buy it” video. That second cup gyroscope trick was definitely out of this world, loved it :smiley:

Im not sure how other people feel about this, but id have liked to see more actual play. You talk about how it can slay combos (not on the highest level as you mentioned), has a unique feel, etc, and you barely showed any footage of you doing combos. Maybe you could include more actual play in your next review? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this is a bad review by any means. In fact it was one of the better ones ive seen. Just thought I would give you some constructive criticism and suggest what I would like to see out of your next review.


Bro :joy: I CANNOT believe I never noticed that. I’m so done. And thanks for the feedback! I’ll be sure to incorporate that into my next review.


Just as an afterthought, if you’d like to see me testing it for more performance oriented tricks, here’s a video from the gram:


That was sick dude! :open_mouth:


excellent review, thank you for showcasing the capabilities of this yoyo. I love the happy accidents that happen when I’m just trying things with my ECRIP…