My own yoyo class =)

I really have to say that that is a brilliant idea for a class. :o It is an awesome idea ;D Never thought of it ???

Make sure you get a good trick list too ;D

That is an absolutely wonderful idea! Problem: I have no idea if these people would stick with it long enough to get past using the Brain. Other than that, that’s a great idea.

I actually find it kinda sad that people just quit after getting their beginner yoyo. It seems like lots of people leave yoyoing after they get to intermidiate tricks.

Yeah I know. Some people just don’t have the time or don’t want to take the time to get good.

A2Z sells TONS of ProJams. Like, 20 of each color! I bought one in blue! :stuck_out_tongue:

Flying Squirrels?

They are 10 dollars here and about 8 dollars at the Nation.

Just get a pair or two of pads for them each and they are set.

i would come.

Cough Cough

This is from july bub…

yomega saber raider thats what i started on.




ugh… excuse me…



Or just don’t charge for the yo-yo’s and in turn charge like 7 bucks to take the class… That should hold up pretty well in court :wink: Just kidding.

Try not to post in this thread, it’s over 5 months old.

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I never would have guessed I would have to lock this. Oh well.

If you’re interested, I did get a yoyo club started at school. Lock.

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Meanwhile happened at Journey East Asia Grill at WSU. Awesome performance.

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