My final yoyo...

My bad

I was under the assumption that you planned to get rid of every yoyo you owned except for the one you’re planning to get

I’d say krown myself

Yea, that is sort of the case… But, like I said earlier in the thread, all of my older yoyos I don’t really consider them as my collection. They are just kind of there. I don’t use them. Heck, I don’t even see them. They’ve been under my bed in a make-shift case for years. When I say “old”, I am talking about pre-2003 models. If I absolutely had to play a yoyo, and that is all there was, I might pick one up…

I need something modern. Well, aside from my Alpha Crash.

Found one and pmed you.
Gray bbb Cliff. Bam.

Well since I don’t know your preferences I’d say pyro 3 if you want organic undersized or a something angle if you want angled undersized. I love my yoyomonster checkmate for full sized and my chief. I thought the sentinel was a fun oversized throw and disliked my h5xchief but the slusny nest looks awesome. The main reason I choose krown over cliff is just because of how big it is

I’ll check on it. Wanting a Black Bip Bop really, though.

Some guy in the Yeti thread got a BBB Cliff for his Yeti. Contact him if he’d be willing to sell his Cliff!

NOOOOOO! Miami, don’t leave. Especially because of something that stupid. Nobody in that chat really even took it seriously and you don’t have to prove anything. Don’t leave the awesomeness that is yoyoing.

However, if you’re leaving because you no longer enjoy throwing then I recommend you keep your first metal. Your first metal is probably capable of doing almost any trick and it has sentimental value.

But seriously, don’t leave because of that one stupid thing.

Never fear Miss Doey. I still have most of my first metals.

My very first metal (I think) is this OG Silver Bullet. I got it back in '97-ish

My second metal. SB2. I had to buy this blue one because I had a dream about it. Circa '98-ish

I didn’t know that you threw for that long, you’ve been yoyoing for longer than I’ve been alive. I also didn’t know that they’ve been making metal yoyos for that long. If it helps, you should keep your first metal yoyo that is capable of doing unresponsive tricks. Something with a c-size bearing. But you’ve been around for so long that I can understand why you would want to leave. Just stick with what keeps you happy.:smiley:

I’d get the velocity so if you ever have kids or already do, you could always teach them how to yoyo. Starting from responsive and building up to unresponsive using the same yoyo.

Hmm… What was my first unresponsive metal… It might have been a Kyo Alph. OK, enough with the choosing. I’ll just get two throws. Cliff and Krown, or maybe the P. Wave since Peter Pong is one of my favorite throwers.

Yes! Good choices! One is a fun, laid back throw, the other is a competition monster. You’re set!

Wait why is he leaving?! I was in that chat i think. The one on worlds thing? I thoght that i saw that somebody was retiring but i though that they were just kidding because somebody that they didnt want to win won.

PS: Did anyone else in that chat room reaally want to see Tim go up onstage and loop with his fireball?