My favorite unsponsored yoyoer

There are amazing yoyoers out there who are not sponsored.

one would be a good friend of mine.

give it up for Indiana State Champion and 1st place in 1A @MOYO 2011
Harold Owens.
(watch out for him. cuz he’s coming to a contest near you!!!)

and another favorite
give it up for an amazing girl yoyoer!!!
Elly Chan

Who is/are your favorite yoyoer(s)?
(it doesn’t have to be one person)

My favorite unsponsered yoyoer would have to be Josh Yee aka Jayyo.

This girl is really good:

For me Josh Yee (that rhymes, lol) and Juan Renteria.


lol Juni Lee This vid Rocks dont know if he still yoyos Though