My AGT Audition

I’ve been checking the Auditions and I’m the only yo-yoer that’s signed up for vid auditions. Wish me luck!

tell me what you think.

Good job and good luck!!

Is that where happy cows come from?

Pretty sweet!!! I hope you make it.

It was good, but I would have thrown in some beginner stuff too.

Also, a suggestion for future AGT people: throw in some other styles. All the others just baffle people that you can yoyo with two hands or have something not even attached like usual.

But it looked good. Crossing my fingers. :wink:

THe only advice is nest time, try not to make it witht he skin int he background. it bloks out the string sometimes.

If I make it to the second round, and the judges say I don’t have enough material, I’m gonna ask them for a minute or two and do some 5A. Still working on it.

On another note: I plan to live forever… so far so good.

Good Job. Hope you get in.

Just be careful with that. Judges can be kinda rude. You might wanna think about adding it in with you freestyle.

The rules say whatever I’m doing for my routine, that’s what I have to do for the celebrity judges. If I did 5A for this vid then I have to go with 5A for everything that’s gonna happen until they have America Judge. So, 5A is my backup plan.

Oh. Then go ahead. Hope you do great!