Most Satisfying Things in Yoyo

I had that magical moment and hit a trick ive been trying for almost 8 years. The Iwasawa Tower laceration :sweat_smile::ok_hand: honestly oddly similar to a 2.0 hook.


When the bearing sound perfectly smooth and quiet.
The feeling of a new string and it’s bright colour.
When you do some crazy slack, rejection and laceration and the yoyo land perfectly on the string without effort and the string during the “air time” is perfectly rounded and open which you just wish that moment was in slow motion to appreciate the beauty of the physics of the string.
When you receive the email that your parcel is just at home and you are 2 minutes away to finish work.

All those things together in one perfect yoyoing day.


when you hit the beef hook trick few times in a row out of boredom


The quiet sound of a bearing spinning, the bind and then … TING!


If you were walking on the beach and you found a magic lamp…… and you rubbed the lamp and a Genie appeared…. And told you, you could make 1 wish…l. Anything your heart desired…. And you said, ‘There’s a guy named Charles Haycock…. And I want to play at the same Skill level as him’…

The Genie would say, ‘ok, ok, I should have said almost anything. Living forever or a Billion dollars cash or Emperor of the Universe, etc. Sadly, Charles’ yo-yo skill level is beyond my Miracle Grade. Just go with the Live Forever option. That way you will have thousands of years to practice getting that good’.


Doing reasonably basic tricks in public and having people look at you like you’re some kind of space wizard when in reality you’re just an intermediate-level player

  1. when you can feel the moment your brain starts to make sense of new things/ideas you’ve been messing around

  2. when you experiment with an idea you’ve had and it ends up working perfectly


reading this thread is so satisfying :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

when the repressed trick from past years unlocks randomly

catching undersized throws

when you end a sesh and appreciate you were just in a DEEP flow state. 1 with the throw


Top 3 most satisfying things in yoyo

  1. The ting! from a perfect bind
  2. The sound and feel of the yoyo slapping your palm after a perfect bind
  3. All that other stuff that took place before the bind, I guess

A flawless regen.


The feeling of a new nylon string on a glass smooth throw.

Checking the mail and finding out your newest yo-yo came a day earlier than expected.

The comfort of a imperial shaped wood yo-yo in your hand.

When companies make enough of the color that you and everyone else actually want. (This hasn’t happened yet but imagine how it would feel.:face_holding_back_tears:)


I posted this before in a similar topic, but I love that little snap the string gives your TH string finger when the plastic whip bind happens.


The ring of a whip bind on a titanium


The moment I think I’m getting good- I learn of a trick like this lol

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I practiced ONLY the beefhook for like two months and can hit it 8/10 times and it still doesn’t loose it’s holy crap feeling every time I land it

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Lol happened to me too when I joined a yoyo club, its very humbling :sweat_smile:

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