Most revolutionary yoyos

Not many people know this, but until The Door Knob throw was created, people used to open doors by breaking them open with their shoulders or feet and then replace it with a spare door from a bulk spare door replacement kit from Sears. It was pretty expensive, what with all the spare door kits that need to be bought as well as all the medical attention.

Friends would prank their friends by using prank steel doors.

Thankfully The Door Knob throw was invented, allowing people to just buy one, really nice yet expensive door that could be reused multiple times over. Unfortunately, friends had to get more creative with their pranks since nobody breaks down doors anymore.


Thanks, glad to see another doork ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿


difeyo (was it the flyback?) probably counts in this list in some way



gotta go w no jive:
1st take-apart yo-yo
1st yo-yo w replaceable components
1st yo-yo w multiple configurations
1st yo-yo w laser-engraved art

and later the sb-2 was:
1st mass-produced ball bearing yo-yo
1st anodized aluminun yo-yo
1st yo-yo w adjustable gap mechanism


It wasn’t the first yoyo with replaceable response. Turbo discs came out with the introduction of the pocket pocket in fall 99. Prior to that the turbo bumblebee and coldfusions had been released as well as the super yo samurai.


Man for some reason I thought TD were introd w the SB-2 because of its gap tool but I know you’re right. And that timing makes sense because of the huge dustup between Custom and Playmaxx around then. My bad!


Whatever the first butterfly yoyo ever made was, man, a game changer


This is how my list looks since i started throwing in the mid 90’s. i’m sure there are some others i should have mentioned.

tk no jive
tk sb2
yomega raider
superyo renegage
duncan fh1
yoyojam patriot (also journey or whatever model introduced the double oring response as a predecessor of silicone/pads)
dif-e-yo barebones
yoyofactory 888


The Butterfly was the first butterfly shaped yoyo (“Butterfly” and “Imperial” are still registered trademarks of Duncan afaik) to be mass produced but I think the concept existed in the late 1800s.

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pretty sure Duncan started producing theirs around 1958 ish.

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Yeah 1958. I assume the plastic version started in 68 when Duncan was acquired by Flambeau

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