Most horrible yoyo injury

Just yesterday I slammed my N8 Magicyoyo against my lower knee at top force… I couldn’t even sit back down in my chair after that.

I tried 1A with my YYF flight…ended up with two stitches near my eye.

So, would you do it again?

In my first two weeks of yoyoing I got my shutter in the mail and we were eating at sonic that night, so I said to myself, why not show off a bit? I threw a breakaway and did matrix and did a bind. Little did I know that I got an axle knot! I have never been hit with something so hard in my life! I threw another breakaway and BAM! In the forehead it went! I hit myself so hard that the yoyo actually came apart… Lol I have been very careful since then…

Upon further goings, a few days ago, maybe weeks ago, I slammed myself in the face w/ my N12

Don’t judge me for using MagicYoyo. I’m working on getting other yoyos. FITE ME

Hit myself in the head countless times.
Cracked a tooth straight up the middle.
Chipped a tooth.
Busted open my lower lip.
And probably more.

One time I hit myself just under my nose and it cut me so it looked like I smacked my nose. But I manage to hit the bill of my hat 45 times a day

AngryGumball, your two posts here have made me laugh harder than I have in weeks. Thanks for that!

Not that horrible, but didn’t want to start a new post.

Seems I’ve popped a blood vessel in the tip of my yo finger. Hurt like hell last night, but not so bad today. I guess the horrible part is that I have yoyos due to arrive tomorrow… :frowning:

I’ve hit the tips of my fingers and that’s the worst pain I’ve experienced from yoyoing^^

I rather hit my self in the head haha

sounds like you’ve been pretty luckey, I’ve got myself is the face a couple of times.

You should keep your face out of the way! :smiley:

I haven’t had a horrible yoyo injury. Worst would probably be Metal yoyo responds and hit my nose.

I just had a “yoyo” injury. I seem to have actually damaged the yoyo with my hand! I was playing with my 555, and had layers draped around my hand when it caught and slammed into the back of my hand. The yoyo was spinning quite fast, and it hurt! However, it didn’t cause any lasting pain. But, on my next throw the hearing was super noisy, and not spinning well. I opened the yoyo, and the bearing shields are slightly dented on both sides! The bearing is ruined… Weird

take the bearing shields off. It might be ok.

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Thanks. I did do that, and I put a little lube in it. That quieted it down, but it still doesn’t spin right. I think it crushed the bearing on that side, and that’s what bent the shields. I needed to order some new ones anyway…

Took it pretty good in the ear today.

A few weeks ago I was playing under a ceiling fan and my Superstar got away from me and smashed one of the lamp shades. Glass went everywhere. I didn’t notice because the yoyo was spinning, but the glass had pulled up a bur like a fishhook. When I went to stop it with my finger, BAM, like a razor blade hit me… and I’m bleeding. Later that day I was playing horizontal and I hit my self in the lip with the very same throw. Lol not a high point in my yoyoing carrier.

The story takes place at the 2016 physics olympics in my state. The time was 10 in the morning (or was it 11. I can’t remember anymore, darn yoyo :wink: ). Before my friend and I were up to launch our mouse trap car, I was slinging my dv888 around. I just finished some Eli hops and was about to do a variant of Gentry Stein’s speed combo. I threw my dv888 as hard as I could and the yoyo gracefully whipped back around thumping me in the eye. I was immediately escorted to the nurses office and my parents had to pick me up (of course we were over an hour away from home). I wasn’t able to actually see out of that eye for a few hours (it looked like a foggy window). After about a month or two of what I’m going to call “eye therapy” and the such, I am left with a very slightly dilated pupil :wink: super fun, right? :slight_smile:

Quick side story to this. I was standing in the hallway for a minute before I left the school. As my friend informs me of our failed catapult and state qualifying mouse trap car, a group of young elementary school kids walk passed. I was sporting a sick paper towel eyepatch the nurse gave me. The little kids were like “oh my gosh, look at his eye!” My friend quickly informed them “this is why you don’t run with scissors kids.” :stuck_out_tongue:

These are not really that horrible, but they are the most painful and most what the heck yo-yo injuries that I remember.

Back in day I had somehow won or had been given a Proyo ColdFusion. Still have it in my colllection with a ding or two. Any way the string snagged on the break pads and the yo-yo slammed into my head. That was the most pain I remember from yo-yoing.

The other time I was yo-yoing and encountered an injury I can’t remember what yo-yo I was using, but I started with white string and in mid-trick I thought how the heck is my string now bright red. I apparently I cut my cuticle on my yo-yo finger and the blood had been running down the string, but no where else.

Then there was S.I.S.Y., but that involved the loss of a dog I did not have.