Most horrible yoyo injury

Spent about six months in serious condition getting worked up by tons of different specialists for some cardiac issues following my posting of an insightful and brutally raw trickcircle vid. Ended up being a broken heart. The trick construction was so emotionally gutting that I was literally left sobbing in the fetal position on the floor for hours. It’s 2015, and Yo is Art, so I expected this. I put my faith in my followers to like my trickcircle and comment on it enough to rebuild my shattered psyche, but that never happened. A measly ten likes and a “whoa, cool” wasn’t enough to get me back to baseline. I was under intensive emoji therapy for 6 months followed by hand exercises and baby laughing 10 hr loops on youtube intensive treatment for another 3 months. Now, I am fine, a 10 liker doesn’t keep me from getting out of bed, and I don’t cry when I @ a company owner on a vid and he/she doesn’t like back. It was a rough road, but I feel stronger now. Mostly spend my time advocating for others suffering from trickcircle rejection and raising awareness. Thanks yall.

One time I was doing an around the world with my Duncan Imperial and it wrapped my neck and cut my head clear off.

Just kidding…it wasn’t a duncan imperial…it was a no-jive.

almost looked like you gave the finger… had to watch it a few times…

I was fatally injured by a looping yoyo. I was doing Punching bags and one of my strings broke and the yoyo literally vanished!

3 hours later I was driving my Harley down to Michaels to buy a Sharpie and my yoyo returned to Earth and struck me right in the back of the head!

I swerved to the wrong side of the road and was heading directly towards a cement truck. I cranked it to the right and drove right off the Deepest cliff you have ever seen.

If this drop wasn’t so far down; I wouldn’t be able to text you this message right now.

The ground is coming up and at least from my current vantage point it looks extremely hard.

So I think I am pretty much fatally dead.



Pmed you.

I’ve had a big green bruise on the back of my non throw hand for about a week now…

Not really sure how it happened but I remember a slipped bind, my overreaction with my non throw hand, the yoyo went somewhere, then my hand hurt real bad, then I had a knot in my string and the yoyo hanging short from my throw hand…

Also, my beard protects my chin real good. When I feel my beard move, I know I need to adjust my head-to-speeding-yoyo-spacial-relation… Or else.

Now, I doubt that is the worst injury ever. My brother just got two stitches when he hit himself in the head with a Flight.

same with me bruise on top of non throw hand and some on my knuckles from unexpected binds in the middle of tricks. That happens when you throw a side breaker on non sidebreaker trick lol. For example if you do a green triangle you can bind straight in if you throw a regular sleeper just let it roll, but if you throw a green triangle from a side breaker it will just roll off the string then you need to loop and bind the opposite way. So back to my point tricks the right directional or else you get banged up knuckles and they make you scared of yoyos for a couple days believe me!

Whoops typed it to fast.

same with me bruise on top of non throw hand and some on my knuckles from unexpected binds in the middle of tricks. That happens when you throw a side breaker on non sidebreaker trick lol. For example if you do a green triangle you can bind straight in if you throw a regular sleeper just let it roll, but if you throw a green triangle from a side breaker it will just roll off the string then you need to loop and bind the opposite way. So back to my point do tricks the right direction or else you get banged up knuckles and they make you scared of yoyos for a couple days believe me! Edit.

Don’t get me wrong, I consider myself lucky that’s the worst I’ve had so far… And I hope that’s as bad as it ever gets, knock on on wood.

Had a few knuckle busters and face hits. Sometimes my wrists hurt when I do a certain maneuver, that requires extra hand movement.

Went to do a strong breakaway the other day when it was knotted a foot down the string. Hit my non throw hand thumb. Took a chunk out of it. Now I have a crater on my thumb knuckle.

Was throwing my CODE 2 today, string was snagged in the gap without me knowing it. Gave it a hard throw & it hit me in the left eye. Thankfully I was wearing glasses. But it knocked the left lens out. Thankfully mum managed to put it back in.

In response to my sisters’ concerns that I was going to get hit with the yoyo, I made a demonstration to show them that I had much more control over the yoyo than they thought. That being said, I threw the yoyo up into the air, only to have it come back down and smack me on the face.
Pride comes before the fall, no?

I died once

  1. 50 seconds left to my freestyle.
    hits me 2 inches above the temple with much force.
    Horrible concussion with post-concussion effects like dizzyness and puking.
    Also at the time a fracture on my skull.
    Also memory loss. As you see I go on my knee, when I came to I was holding a mountain dew can to my head with a doctor shining a dang light to my eyes. I was told I was basically carried over to the side and even then I was spacey.

I would of been in even more trouble if I would of got hit directly on the temple.
Thankfully I didn’t.

Wow, this thread is a necro, sorry about that. but I figured I’d throw this in there.


Practicing/trying to hit a clean run of my latest trick I created, this happened…you know, when you go to throw a trapeze and the string completely misses your finger…provided a nice “oh :poop:” moment

Yes, it bonked me in the head and no, it surprisingly did not hurt (barely felt it). I (successfully) saved my poor cat who was behind me from getting clobbered…as she sat there in her own world continuing to groom herself :slight_smile:


I took a orca in the eyebrow today. IDK if there will be a scar but it sure was bleeding a lot :frowning:

I did the same thing but opened a car door into my face. Yup. There was a scar.