Modern Responsive March 2024 - Week 2

Here’s my submission for MRM week 2 with all 3 tricks.

Donut trucks took me a while to hit and had to re-shoot it because I was flipping the yoyo forwards instead of backwards which made it super awkward. I’ve included my Tunod Trucks in the video :laughing:.

My tips for Donut Trucks:

  1. The yoyo needs to do a backflip - My brain could not comprehend this from the tutorial video.
  2. As per Gnarly Charlie’s advice, be patient after the flip, and let gravity drop the yoyo straight down till just before it hits the bottom before pulling up.
  3. The pull up action is your throw hand uncrossing while your non-throw hand stays relatively stationary directly above the yoyo with pointer finger curled around the string.
  4. Pay attention to my hands in my video - slow it down and copy my hand movements with a dead yoyo if you need to.

Hope that helps someone. Good luck!