Miguel Correa 5a

Cool idea to add new tricks to the list. It be cooler to get other champions to add their tricks to the list. If u had a chance, which players for what styles would u want. I would choose Patrick Mitchell for 2a so i could learn cow wraps.

this topic has already been discussed and you should move the last part of the post to the site improvement section.

Nice welcome there yoyoblaze. Its only his/her second post.

Welcome to YE.

i agree with kc97x

oh sorry didn’t see that sorry
Welcome to YYE.

I call John Narum for 4A! WOO!

I think most of these players would be reluctant to even make tutorials. You must understand, they have lives of their own, and are probably very busy. So I don’t think that every free minute they have to yoyo would be spent making tutorials. :-\


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i would think its a good idea to do that. patrick mitchel is a good choice

Yeah Samad is right these people do have lives but it would be cool if they could. :slight_smile:

Well Miguel already has made a bunch of tuts so…

i think that it would be cool if john higby showed some tricks to a succesfull AP performence, also, grant johnson for any of them, preferably 1a, 4a, or 5a. but i think andre is the # one choice for tuts cause he’s the only one to have made SOOOOOO many. Andre is the best!!!