Mighty Flea responsive?

Is the new Mighty Flea supposed to be responsive out of the package? Mine won’t sleep more than 2-3 seconds and returns (just about) with a tug, I usually don’t like to clean bearings immediately but it’s going to be hard to break in such a small yo-yo the usual way.

I just pulled one out of packaging and it was a little responsive for the first 2-3 throws then became fully unresponsive. There might be a little lube on the bearings that needs to break in, but I’m not sure.

If it’s responsive after throwing it for a while I would say try cleaning the bearing. If that doesn’t work or you don’t want to bother cleaning it then just send us an email and we can help out.

Thanks Garrett, ive played for about 20 minutes and it’s not breaking in. I’ll see it I can get the bearing off easily (it seems stuck on one side and a normal bearing tool isn’t going to fit)

Bearing tool: If you have a selection of drill bits see if you have a smaller one that fits.

Thanks for the drill bit tip, I always forget that one. I got the bearing off, and just sat there spinning it by hand on the drill bit for 2 hours while watching a movie - sleeps much longer now but still slightly responsive. That’s not a bad thing though, as I’ll be missing binds all over the place with this tiny wonder.

I have the original might flea and those tiny bearing shields are darn near impossible to get off. I don’t know if the newer one has the same bearing, if so good luck. Not much help, sorry.

I opened my new Mighty Flea yesterday and had the same issue. The bearing spins fine when disassembled, but it doesn’t seem to seat properly in the yoyo, as though the indentions aren’t quite bored out correctly or a spacer is missing. It basically behaves like a fixed axel. I have two Custom throws and two of those cheapie Magic yoyos and have never had a problem. Am I missing something?